Lewis Mumford's massive historical study brings together a wide array of evidence--from the earliest group habitats to medieval towns to the modern centers of commerce (as well as dozens of black-and-white illustrations)--to show how the urban form has changed throughout human civilization. His tone is ultimately somewhat pessimistic: Mumford was deeply concerned with what he viewed as the dehumanizing aspects of the metropolitan trend, which he deemed "a world of professional illusionists and their credulous victims." (In another typically unrestrained criticism, he dubbed the Pentagon a Bronze Age monument to humanity's basest impulses, as well as an "effete and worthless baroque conceit.") Mumford hoped for a rediscovery of urban principles that emphasized humanity's organic relationship to its environment. The City in History remains a powerfully influential work, one that has shaped the agendas of urban planners, sociologists, and social critics since its publication in the 1960s.
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【一本大書】 巨大的體積、巨大的聲望、以及《城市發展史》這個中文書名,強化瞭這本書作為城市史“經典”和“教科書”的形象,而我們的教育帶給我們的思維慣性,使我們認為“經典”和“教科書”中的所有內容,都必須是正確的。不幸的是,這本書齣版於1961年,寫作的年份恐怕...
評分第九章 修道院與社區 1.基督教勝利的原因: 基督教認定最大的邪惡是罪惡、痛苦、疾病、衰老和死亡。這種教義較之於基於“生命、繁榮、健康”這一古老模式的任何信條都更接近於當時正處於瓦解過程中的社會現實。基督教徒的全部生活曆程都與他處理逆境的方法、態度密切相連。 2...
評分這本的確是巨著,就單看它的頁數吧。看瞭jstor的review,褒貶不一,有學者直接批Mumford不是曆史學傢更像是文學傢,加瞭太多主觀價值判斷。 我覺得在閱讀這本書之前,我們可能搞錯對它的期望瞭。這本書不那麼學術,它不是用來功利地迴答某些考試題或者解決實際問題的(garden ci...
評分第四章 古代城市的本質 一.城市功能的發展 (p101-p105) 本節總結瞭古代早期城市的一些性質。 首先是,作者提齣城市的發展過程是漫長的,很有可能物質外形的很大部分都先於王權製度而齣現。城市最初的目的,如同一種工具,用來統治人和自然,使城市社區本身服務於神明。而當城...
圖書標籤: 城市 城市規劃 城市史 建築 曆史 社會史 建築曆史 urban
評分看Mumford如此嘴炮大開,不遺餘力地黑羅馬,I'm angry! 再往後讀,覺得有點太小清新瞭。但能寫齣這書依然瞭不起,四星。
評分leave us many question to search,the author is more biology and marxism,
評分ARCH565 class 4 reading
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