Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics.
Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the English landed gentry. She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading. The steadfast support of her family was critical to her development as a professional writer. Her artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years into her thirties. During this period, she experimented with various literary forms, including the epistolary novel which she then abandoned, and wrote and extensively revised three major novels and began a fourth.[B] From 1811 until 1816, with the release of Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1816), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published posthumously in 1818, and began a third, which was eventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it.
Austen's works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century realism. Her plots, though fundamentally comic, highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. Her works, though usually popular, were first published anonymously and brought her little personal fame and only a few positive reviews during her lifetime, but the publication in 1869 of her nephew's A Memoir of Jane Austen introduced her to a wider public, and by the 1940s she had become widely accepted in academia as a great English writer. The second half of the 20th century saw a proliferation of Austen scholarship and the emergence of a Janeite fan culture.
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本来翻译腔和现代汉语快要成为两种语言了,就像同一条鱼被切成两半,分别做成了生鱼片和蒸了似的。你知道那是鱼,但嚼起来满不是那味。在了不起的老翻译家那里,这一点是统一的。圆润和谐,不事张扬的调子。西方那些突兀的久已经过翻译腔被我们接受的句式,收束得干净温文。 ...
评分做个游戏,姑娘们。 假设把这本书的所有未婚女人拿到现实中来, 假设去掉达西先生, 问题:你认为谁嫁不出去? 我的答案是两个人--伊丽莎白和曼丽。 证明如下:丽萃太聪明,而大多数男人不喜欢聪明的女人,曼丽太博学,大多数男人不喜欢女博士。而且她们又穷又自命不凡。一个...
评分本人孤陋寡闻,知道中国有人毕生研究一本书《红楼梦》的,一辈子只研究这一本,还有红学会。 我似乎也听说外国有人专门研究《荷马史诗》和《神曲》,不过真的不知道有没有人专门研究《傲慢与偏见》的。 反正,我自己研究这本书。 假如,你真的爱一个人,你怎么表达? 写情书...
图书标签: JaneAusten 英国文学 小说 英国 爱情 外国文学 classic 英文
Few have failed to be charmed by the witty and independent spirit of Elizabeth Bennet. Her early determination to dislike Mr. Darcy is a prejudice only matched by the folly of his arrogant pride. Their first impressions give way to true feelings in a comedy profoundly concerned with happiness and how it might be achieved.
Edited with an Introduction by Vivien Jones
Still my favourite novel.
评分妞问说,《傲慢与偏见》比起很多其他言情小说有什么好。答曰,《傲慢与偏见》里的主人公是有deep character的人物,是有judgment,有taste,有真正的improved mind的,值得结交回味的人物。人物,散发着人性光辉的人物——是我明知不真实却依旧喜爱浪漫主义小说的原因。
评分“Only deep love will persuade me to marry.”在阶级森严,性别角色固化的19世纪初,Elizabeth对爱情与幸福的追求无疑是振聋发聩的。最触动我的不是期待中的误解和解与happy ever after,而是Charlotte坦诚地对Lizzy说我已经27了,I can’t afford to be romantic,是Lizzy自己在求婚希望渺茫中的孤立无援,家人在面对即将发生的丑闻时的恐慌,这些都是浪漫华袍下的惨淡现实。事实上,只有很少的人能遇见生命中的Darcy。但我们能做的,是成为那个世俗眼光中坚定的Elizabeth。beautifully composed & needs a better ending:)))
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