Highly regarded throughout her prestigious literary career, and today seen as an undeniable master of her art, Elizabeth Bishop remains one of America's most influential and widely acclaimed poets. This is the definitive collection of her work. "The Complete Poems" includes the books "North and South," "A Cold Spring," "Questions of Travel," and "Geography III," as well as previously uncollected poems, translations, and juvenilia.
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圖書標籤: 詩歌 Bishop Elizabeth.Bishop 伊麗莎白·畢肖普 詩 美國 女性 ElizabethBishop
評分其實很難想象Bishop現在成為瞭one of the major poets in modern english poetry,跟她一直給自己所定位的minor的位置有些齣入。不是說她不好,她自然好,和同時代詩人的親密與距離,在浪漫派和艾略特流之間的位置,掩藏不住的語言靈感在意象和聲音上的火花,和一個總是抽離的理性的態度,她非常好。但提起major poet,哪怕有意識的自我decenter,也會因為這decenter而有個核心的自我構建,Bishop的這個“自我”不能說不明確,但與其說它是主體構建的,不如說它是她的作品讀到最後一行所完成的整體。像曝光兩小時後所拍下的星圖。
評分畢肖普全集的詩作數量不多, 但幾乎首首精品.
評分The copy I own is an UK edtion.
評分年度Top 3,給島嶼愛好者的最佳讀物。很難,但是真的太好瞭。磯鷸與放大,夢境與下墜,平衡感,dividedness and uncertainty, the impossibility of monument, lightness in an instant and eternal loss which cannot be overcome, capacity of close observation, old curiosity shop, inscrutability, infinitude and solitude. 森羅萬象的一部詩集。
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