Edward Hetzel Schafer (薛愛華; 23 August 1913 – 9 February 1991) was an American sinologist and a noted expert on the Tang dynasty. Schafer's most famous works include The Golden Peaches of Samarkand and The Vermilion Bird, which both explore China's interactions with new cultures and regions during the Tang dynasty.
Schafer earned a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1947. He then became a professor of Chinese there and remained at Berkeley until his retirement in 1984. From 1955 to 1968 Schafer served as East Asia Editor of the Journal of the American Oriental Society, and from 1969 to 1984 he held the Agassiz Professorship of Oriental Languages and Literature at Berkeley. He is also known within sinology for his uncompromising belief in the importance of language skills and learning and his differing approach on this subject to John King Fairbank. His publications include over 100 scholarly articles and more than a dozen books. Schafer died in California in 1991.
The Golden Peaches of Samarkand 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
唐代的外来文明是一个交互的定义,包括进口的——唐代人猎奇的,以及出口的——别人稀罕的。 此书涉及了唐代生活的方方面面,举凡生活所需、日常所用,包括18类170余种,令人目不暇接。重要的还不是多,而是每一种所影响的生活都如此精致,连豢养家畜都如此艺术。 因为最近关于...
评分1963年,年届五十的美国加州伯克利大学教授爱德华·谢弗(Edward Hetzel Schafer, 1913-1991)出版了大部头著作《撒马尔罕的金桃:唐代舶来品研究》(The Golden Peaches of Samarkand: A Study of T’ang Exotics)。作为汉学家,谢弗的中文名字当令中国人满意:薛爱华。不过...
评分从天水到敦煌,或事物的秩序 ——兼评《唐代的外来文明》 出西安城,沿渭河向西,秦岭分列左右如两排青色的屏风,时而在天底下横着,时而又奔突到眼前。车过宝鸡,才真正进到它的心脏。从西安到甘肃省的天水,一路相随的是在岭坡上出没的陇海铁路,和粘滞浑黄的渭河。 万...
评分《撒马尔罕的金桃》,多么高端大气上档次的名字!一下就能引人遐想联翩。 《唐代的外来文明》虽然直白,但作为一个题目太模糊了,就指向性来说,与这部作品也是不相符合的,叫《唐代的舶来品》还差不多。 全书十九章,按实物名称(家畜、药物、香料、纺织品等)一一列举曾经在...
图书标签: 历史 海外中国研究 汉学 唐 唐代的外来文明 不能得到的 history 英文
In the seventh century the kingdom of Samarkand sent formal gifts of fancy yellow peaches, large as goose eggs and with a color like gold, to the Chinese court at Ch'ang-an. What kind of fruit these golden peaches really were cannot now be guessed, but they have the glamour of mystery, and they symbolize all the exotic things longed for, and unknown things hoped for, by the people of the T'ang empire. This book examines the exotics imported into China during the T'ang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907), and depicts their influence on Chinese life. Into the land during the three centuries of T'ang came the natives of almost every nation of Asia, all bringing exotic wares either as gifts or as goods to be sold.Ivory, rare woods, drugs, diamonds, magicians, dancing girls - the author covers all classes of unusual imports, their places of origin, their lore, their effort on costume, dwellings, diet, and on painting, sculpture, music, and poetry. This book is not a statistical record of commercial imports and medieval trade, but rather a "humanistic essay, however material its subject matter."
casual reading for fun...
评分讲的都是很细节的生活方方面面 不要把这个当成小说之类的来读
评分讲的都是很细节的生活方方面面 不要把这个当成小说之类的来读
评分casual reading for fun...
评分casual reading for fun...
The Golden Peaches of Samarkand 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书