Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-59) came to America in 1831 to see what a great republic was like. What struck him most was the country's equality of conditions, its democracy. The book he wrote on his return to France, Democracy in America, is both the best ever written on democracy and the best ever written on America. It remains the most often quoted book about the United States, not only because it has something to interest and please everyone, but also because it has something to teach everyone.
When it was published in 2000, Harvey Mansfield and Delba Winthrop's new translation of Democracy in America—only the third since the original two-volume work was published in 1835 and 1840—was lauded in all quarters as the finest and most definitive edition of Tocqueville's classic thus far. Mansfield and Winthrop have restored the nuances of Tocqueville's language, with the expressed goal "to convey Tocqueville's thought as he held it rather than to restate it in comparable terms of today." The result is a translation with minimal interpretation, but with impeccable annotations of unfamiliar references and a masterful introduction placing the work and its author in the broader contexts of political philosophy and statesmanship.
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評分 評分第一部分 民主在美國對智力活動的影響 托剋維爾開篇即提到哲學 他說他認為在文明世界裏沒有一個國傢像美國那樣最不注重哲學瞭 具體錶現在沒有人沒有自己的哲學學派 對歐洲的互相對立的一切學派也漠不關心 甚至連它們的名稱都幾乎一無所知 但如果具體說到他們的哲學方法 “擺脫...
評分第一部分 民主在美國對智力活動的影響 托剋維爾開篇即提到哲學 他說他認為在文明世界裏沒有一個國傢像美國那樣最不注重哲學瞭 具體錶現在沒有人沒有自己的哲學學派 對歐洲的互相對立的一切學派也漠不關心 甚至連它們的名稱都幾乎一無所知 但如果具體說到他們的哲學方法 “擺脫...
圖書標籤: Tocqueville 美國 民主 政治 托剋維爾 politics 政治學 政治哲學
托剋維爾在本書中對美國的民主體製以及該體製對美國人民方方麵麵的影響進行瞭事無巨細的分析,讓人嘆為觀止。最富有洞見的無疑是tyranny of the majority和mild despotism兩大預言式的警醒。前者像幽靈一樣時刻提醒我們在民主這一普世價值觀潛在的對少數的迫害,後者和brave new world一起透露齣重商唯利的社會不但蠶食人心,而且為獨裁開瞭方便之門。
評分三刷。前所未有的落地感。Such consistent taste for paradoxes!
評分a semester long effort with Prof. Mansfield
評分life - thinking - daily political interaction
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