For eight ground-breaking years, Xinran Xue hosted a daily radio phone in programme for Radio Nanjing during which she discussed women's lives, and invited women to call in and talk about themselves. Broadcast between 10 and 12 at night, "Words on the Night Breeze" soon became famous all over China for its powerful, honest discussions of what it means to be a woman in today's China.
It started in 1990, a time when China seemed to be opening up, both for Chinese and for the world. Xinran's programme revealed aspects of women's lives that had never been talked about in public before. She felt as if she was opening a tiny window into a huge fortress whose inhabitants had never before communicated with the outside world. Soon she was receiving over two hundred letters a day from women telling her their stories. She realised that she knew far less than she had thought about what it means to be a Chinese woman and embarked on a journey of discovery to collect their stories.
The stories presented here of almost inconceivable suffering rape, sexual abuse, the separation of parents from their children, the suppression of human emotion in order to survive the Communist regime never before have the tortured souls of Chinese women been laid so bare. And yet this is also a book about love, about how, despite cruelty, despite politics, the female urge to nurture and cherish remains. And then there is Xinran herself: an extraordinary woman who, despite her own unhappy past, has given her life to saving the stories of Chinese women from oblivion. 'This is a book from deep in the heart of China. As shocking as it is revealing. An extraordinary and eye-opening read.' - Jon Snow. 'Xinran's 'Good Women of China' are all strong, strikingly resourceful characters who offer unforgettable insights into the past and present of Chinese women's lives.' - "The Times". '"The Good Women of China" demands attention.' - "Observer". '[Xinran] writes compassionately but unsentimentally, dramatising the stories like gripping fiction.' - "Daily Mail".
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這本書也是一個外國朋友推薦的。這是巧閤嗎? 不是!! 老外喜歡用審視和獵奇的態度來看待中國。 所以這個作者就以此來吸引眼球。 她以為隻有她活在民主、幸福、自由之下嗎? 如果這本書是70或者80年代齣的,我能理解。 可作者著手寫的時候已經97年瞭,有沒有搞錯啊? ------...
評分讀完欣然的<中國的好女人們>,作者文風略顯誇張,似乎帶有那個時代特有的一種真摯的矯情,並不是我喜歡的寫作風格。 書中一些流露的觀點我也並不一定認同,例如一味的歌頌女人的母親身份,說的女人好像天性就是適閤當母親,還有各處有些泛濫的母愛,都讓我感到有些不適。 然...
評分這本書也是一個外國朋友推薦的。這是巧閤嗎? 不是!! 老外喜歡用審視和獵奇的態度來看待中國。 所以這個作者就以此來吸引眼球。 她以為隻有她活在民主、幸福、自由之下嗎? 如果這本書是70或者80年代齣的,我能理解。 可作者著手寫的時候已經97年瞭,有沒有搞錯啊? ------...
評分同樣是一個老外推薦的! 剛開始拿到手的時候心裏覺得咯噔一下,難道美國人眼中的中國婦女就是這個樣子嗎?現在都什麼年代瞭,為什麼對中國的印象還停留在十來年前甚至幾十年前? 昨天開始看瞭前三十頁,有感動,也有不解,這周決心去問問美國老師,你對中國婦女有什麼看法?期...
評分同樣是一個老外推薦的! 剛開始拿到手的時候心裏覺得咯噔一下,難道美國人眼中的中國婦女就是這個樣子嗎?現在都什麼年代瞭,為什麼對中國的印象還停留在十來年前甚至幾十年前? 昨天開始看瞭前三十頁,有感動,也有不解,這周決心去問問美國老師,你對中國婦女有什麼看法?期...
圖書標籤: 女性 中國 社會 記實 紀實 英文原版 薛欣然 外文
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