Peter Hessler is a graduate of Princeton and Oxford, and has written for The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly and other publications. Raised in the United States, he now lives in Beijing.
When Peter Hessler went to China in the late 1990s, he expected to spend a couple of peaceful years teaching English in the town of Fuling on the Yangtze River. But what he experienced - the natural beauty, cultural tension, and complex process of understanding that takes place when one is thrust into a radically different society - surpassed anything he could have imagined. Hessler observes firsthand how major events such as the death of Deng Xiaoping, the return of Hong Kong to the mainland, and the controversial consturction of the Three Gorges Dam have affected even the people of a remote town like Fuling. Poignant, thoughtful and utterly compelling, "River Town" is an unforgettable portrait of a place caught mid-river in time, much like China itself - a country seeking to understand both what it was and what it will one day become.
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評分他在具有虔誠信仰的傢庭中長大,他具有虔誠的信仰。他在大學裏學文學,他痛恨文學被可怕的教育體製和文學評論撕裂和肢解,失去瞭原來的優美。 他的夢想,是成為一個作傢,但是在此之前,他想看看遙遠的國度,也想為瞭他的信仰做一些工作。於是他選擇作為一個誌願者,登上瞭去...
評分 評分一本《尋路中國》讓何偉在中國知識圈炙手可熱,幾乎登上瞭每一傢我所見到的媒體。這本《River Town》則記錄瞭第一次來中國時的青澀感觀。《尋路中國》之所以一石激起韆層浪,是因為他給瞭我國人一種旁觀者的視角來反躬自省,書中令我們眼前一亮、心頭一顫的論斷遍地皆是,仿佛...
圖書標籤: PeterHessler 中國 紀實 觀察中國 社會 英文版 何偉 英文原版
這部書裏有太多我可以identify的東西,美國外教,四川,peace corps,英語專業,英美文學……讓我想起Tony, Cyndi and Aaron。美國人的觀點彼此之間也很類似,何偉對中國政治社會的見解往往也和我的外國朋友差不多。大一大二大三參加哲學俱樂部,讀書俱樂部等等,這些“非官方活動”重新塑造瞭我,給我新的啓濛。懷念那些在85度c閑聊的夏夜,希望有機會能跟他們重逢。
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