史書美 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校比較文學係、亞洲語言文化係及亞美研究係閤聘教授。其著述除本書外,還有《視覺與認同:跨太平洋的華語呈現》(Visuality and ldentity: Sinophone Articulations across the Pacific),以及散見於美國各主要學術刊物的論文。另外還編有《弱勢跨國主義》(Minor Transnationalism),《中外文學》各專輯,以及《後殖民研究》(Postcolonial Studies)專輯等。
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Shih employs the narratives of two Chinese women’s experience with the western-centric regime, which she terms as “transnational encounter,” as her point of departure. The fact that the two women are both racialized as representatives of Chinese women re...
評分Shih employs the narratives of two Chinese women’s experience with the western-centric regime, which she terms as “transnational encounter,” as her point of departure. The fact that the two women are both racialized as representatives of Chinese women re...
評分藉用《論瓦爾特·本雅明:現代性、寓言和語言的種子》一書中歐文·沃爾法思所寫《一個馬剋思主義者的“創世紀》一文的腳注8(41頁,吉林人民齣版社 2003-12)來批評一下這本書: “差異在名稱有限的多元性中的確已經存在,但是墮落以後纔迅速加劇:‘天堂中的人類的語言一定是...
評分Shih employs the narratives of two Chinese women’s experience with the western-centric regime, which she terms as “transnational encounter,” as her point of departure. The fact that the two women are both racialized as representatives of Chinese women re...
評分藉用《論瓦爾特·本雅明:現代性、寓言和語言的種子》一書中歐文·沃爾法思所寫《一個馬剋思主義者的“創世紀》一文的腳注8(41頁,吉林人民齣版社 2003-12)來批評一下這本書: “差異在名稱有限的多元性中的確已經存在,但是墮落以後纔迅速加劇:‘天堂中的人類的語言一定是...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 文學批評 史書美 現代性 文學 中國現當代文學 魯迅研究 海外漢學
three modes
評分just read the chapter about Fei Ming. Very laconic, so feels a little bit oversimple. Shi has touched upon several important points in Fei Ming's works, each point deserving a full-fledged chapter to deal with. What's more, among Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, the latter has the strongest and transformative influence on Fei Ming. mutl implictn
評分史書美週四週五在我們學校講座,Lure of the Modern在一年前寫淩叔華時讀過。對史的overreading頗不以為然,Virginia Woolf對淩叔華,不可以純粹地以first world feminist assuming the role of instructor去解讀,淩叔華在W鼓勵下以英文寫作Ancient Melodies也不是Euro-centric language hegemony.淩和V.W的交情別有一段浪漫故事。這次見到本尊並沒有提。新近讀瞭她的relational comparison, sinophone study,transnational encounter還是大開眼界。特別是她參與週四我們比較文學課的課堂討論,提到譯介學者該如何自處,深受啓發
評分The sense of de jia vu in the 1980s and 1990s, when China again became incorporated into the global arena and reconfronted issues of modernity in a new burst of literary modernism, makes us pause and wonder what possibilities there might have been had this repetition not been necessary
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