With his first novel since the internationally acclaimed The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje gives us a work displaying all the richness of imagery and language and the piercing emotional truth that we have come to know as the hallmarks of his writing.
The time is our own time. The place is Sri Lanka, the island nation formerly known as Ceylon, off the southern tip of India, a country steeped in centuries of cultural achievement and tradition--and forced into the late twentieth century by the ravages of civil war and the consequences of a country divided against itself.
Into this maelstrom steps a young woman, Anil Tissera, born in Sri Lanka, educated in England and America, a forensic anthropologist sent by an international human rights group to work with local officials to discover the source of the organized campaigns of murder engulfing the island.
Bodies are discovered. Skeletons. And particularly one, nicknamed 'Sailor.' What follows is a story about love, about family, about identity, about the unknown enemy, about the quest to unlock the hidden past--all propelled by a riveting mystery.
Unfolding against the deeply evocative background of Sri Lanka's landscape and ancient civilization, Anil's Ghost is a literary spellbinder--the most powerful novel we have yet had from Michael Ondaatje.
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譯者說,之所以把Anil’s Ghost 直譯為《安尼爾的鬼魂》,是因為要為那些無辜慘死、無處伸冤的鬼魂,那些痛失至親至愛而在人世躑躅的鬼魂守靈。安尼爾等人讓已逝的鬼魂得到真正的安息。 作者邁剋爾•翁達傑,代錶作《英國病人》獲得英國布剋奬,他成為第一位獲得該奬項的加...
評分【新京報書評周刊】“齣於戰時的道義,我們留下死者遺體以獲忌憚。” 『閱讀需要主張』 按:對於中國讀者來說,邁剋爾•翁達傑這位加拿大作傢已不是一個陌生的名字——他的《英國病人》獲得布剋文學奬,改編的同名電影獲得瞭第69屆奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳攝影等在...
評分這一次翁達傑小說裏的人物的職業是醫生,是考古專傢,是法醫人類學者(兼人權調查員?真心沒搞懂Anil的工作到底該怎麼定義),還有佛像點睛工匠(或藝術傢?)。 之前《英國病人》裏的人物是護士,是地圖繪製員,是排雷工兵,是小偷。《遙望》裏的人物是筆譯,是賭徒,是作傢...
評分圖書標籤: 翁達傑 小說 加拿大 外國文學 fiction human-nature 英文原版 英文
Michael Ondaatje
評分don't like it, disappointed from author of "English patient"
評分anil's ghost
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