Virginia Woolf (January 25, 1882 - March 28, 1941) was a English author and feminist. Born Adeline Virginia Stephens in London she was brought up and educated at home. In 1895 following the death of her mother she had the first of numerous nervous breakdowns. Following the death of her father (Sir Leslie Stephen, a literary critic) in 1904, she moved with her sister and two brothers to a house in Bloomsbury. She began writing professionally in 1905, initially for the Times Literary Supplement. In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a civil servant and political theorist. Her first novel, The Voyage Out, was published in 1915. Between the wars, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury group. In March 1941, Woolf drowned herself in the River Ouse, near her Romdell residence. She had published ten (?) novels and over 500 essays.
Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, published in 1925, was a bestseller both in Britain and the United States despite its departure from typical novelistic style. Mrs. Dalloway and Woolf's subsequent book, To the Lighthouse, have generated the most critical attention and are the most widely studied of Woolf's novels.
The action of Mrs. Dalloway takes place during a single day in June 1923 in London, England. This unusual organizational strategy creates a special problem for the novelist: how to craft characters deep enough to be realistic while treating only one day in their lives. Woolf solved this problem with what she called a "tunneling" technique, referring to the way her characters remember their pasts. In experiencing these characters' recollections, readers derive for themselves a sense of background and history to characters that, otherwise, a narrator would have had to provide.
In a sense, Mrs. Dalloway is a novel without a plot. Instead of creating major situations between characters to push the story forward, Woolf moved her narrative by following the passing hours of a day. The book is composed of movements from one character to another, or of movements from the internal thoughts of one character to the internal thoughts of another.
Mrs. Dalloway has been called a flâneur novel, which means it depicts people walking about a city. (Flâneur is the French word for a person who enjoys walking around a city often with no other purpose than to see the sights.) The book, as is typical of the Flâneur novel, makes the city, its parks, and its streets as interesting as the characters who inhabit them.
Clarissa Dalloway's party, which is the culminating event of the book, ties the narrative together by gathering the group of friends Clarissa thinks about throughout her day. It also concludes the secondary story of the book, the story of Septimus Warren Smith, by having Dr. Bradshaw arrive at the party and mention that one of his patients committed suicide that day.
The book's major competing themes are isolation and community, or the possibilities and limits of communicativeness, as evidenced by Clarissa's abiding sense of being alone and by her social skills, which bring people together at her parties.
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意識流小說真是讓人又愛又恨。 愛的是,它對內心世界的探索與刻畫如此深入細膩,透過這麵鏡子,我們可以看到故事背後更為廣闊的現實世界;恨的是,它的敘事如此天馬行空羚羊掛角,稍不留神就讓你目眩神迷莫名其妙。 我曾四次嘗試閱讀《達洛維夫人》,都以失敗告終,且每次都沒...
評分第一次讀這本書的時候,大概在十幾年前,當時覺得讀不進去,所以直接棄瞭。這次因為公開課要求,所以再次鼓起勇氣把這本書看完瞭,居然還很喜歡?或許是水瓶座的腦洞與意識流神奇的互補瞭。 閱讀的過程中,我發現我以前對意識流是有一定誤解的。意識流並不是主人公單一的思想記...
評分1,不流暢也就算瞭,你長句子沒主語這算什麼事?經常讀瞭好長一段景物描寫突然就齣現瞭人物動詞。靠,是誰啊⋯⋯ 2,文中隻要涉及人物在想或是在思考,翻譯一定會用“思忖”。 3,116頁有明顯的疏漏,明明問句是“霍姆斯辦的療養院嗎?”下文布雷德肖迴答“是我辦的療養院...
評分“偉大的女人,住在自己傢中,期待著世界的成長。” 感謝倫納德•伍爾夫,使弗吉尼亞擁有自己的房間,在那間或許不大的屋子裏,伍爾夫可以靜下心,拋開繁雜的事務,讓筆尖流淌齣自己真實的想法和思考,留給我們一筆寶貴的財富。閱讀伍爾夫的...
圖書標籤: VirginiaWoolf 意識流 英國文學 小說 女性 英國 外國文學 woolf
評分置身無盡水流,又好像站在時間的河岸上。一生被具象成許多亮點,掉頭摺返時,它們就模糊地燃燒起來瞭。Peter Walsh深深迷住我,易怒,幼稚,找不到齣路,幾十年前的一句妙語卻能讓人每逢平庸死角便記取。伍爾芙把時間跨度像麵條一樣忽而扯長,從車水馬龍倫敦街到地底屍骸舊婚戒,蒼老歌女直指幾百萬年前某個愛情五月,於是遠超於瞭“一個女人一生中的不到二十四小時”本身。如Septimus所見,陽光下灰塵裏壁紙上都藏著神留下的秘密,細細看去,死亡、歡笑、喇叭鳴聲都在其中,像火焰上方扭麯的空氣團,最怪異的時刻都在於我們看見永恒又即逝的自己。人們俯仰一世如大宴會,交談許多隻為結尾處經久珍稀的神跡,我傾嚮於達洛維夫人的後半生不必再寫瞭,樂譜上不過畫的是重復號而已,聖鈴隻響一次,而大本鍾它敲過,正敲,又要敲瞭。
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