托马斯·内格尔(Thomas Nagel),纽约大学哲学与法学教授,著有《利他主义的可能性》、《人的问题》、《它究竟意味着什么——一篇很短的哲学导论》、《平等与不公》、《他人的心灵:1969—1994年批评文集》以及《最后的话》。
The View From Nowhere 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《本然的观点》读起来颇有难度。这种难度首先是由作者非凡的智力造成的:Nagel以一种谙熟而恣肆的方式处理了心灵、知识、意志自由、道德和生命意义等形而上学、心灵哲学和伦理学问题,绝不拖泥带水地提出了或辩护了至少如下重大主题:普遍心灵(universal mind)、基于大...
评分《本然的观点》读起来颇有难度。这种难度首先是由作者非凡的智力造成的:Nagel以一种谙熟而恣肆的方式处理了心灵、知识、意志自由、道德和生命意义等形而上学、心灵哲学和伦理学问题,绝不拖泥带水地提出了或辩护了至少如下重大主题:普遍心灵(universal mind)、基于大...
评分【按语:4年后整理压缩下这本书的笔记,感觉Nagel这本书极为出类拔萃,跟Williams的Ethic and the limits of philosophy一样,都是勇于且娴熟地处理根本的伦理和认识论问题并提出基本的论点。相形之下,Scanlon的What we owe to each other则过度学院化和技术化且腼腆。Nagel先...
评分《本然的观点》读起来颇有难度。这种难度首先是由作者非凡的智力造成的:Nagel以一种谙熟而恣肆的方式处理了心灵、知识、意志自由、道德和生命意义等形而上学、心灵哲学和伦理学问题,绝不拖泥带水地提出了或辩护了至少如下重大主题:普遍心灵(universal mind)、基于大...
评分【按语:4年后整理压缩下这本书的笔记,感觉Nagel这本书极为出类拔萃,跟Williams的Ethic and the limits of philosophy一样,都是勇于且娴熟地处理根本的伦理和认识论问题并提出基本的论点。相形之下,Scanlon的What we owe to each other则过度学院化和技术化且腼腆。Nagel先...
图书标签: 哲学 Nagel 分析哲学 philosophy 托马斯·内格尔 Analytic 英文 相对唯物主义
Much philosophical debate has attempted to reconcile the human capacity to view the world both objectively and subjectively. Thomas Nagel's ambitious and lively book tackles this fundamental issue, arguing that our divided nature is the root of a whole range of philosophical problems, touching, as it does, every aspect of human life. He deals with its manifestations in such fields of philosophy as the mind-body problem, personal identity, knowledge and scepticism, thought and reality, free will, and ethics.
From reviews of the hardback:
'Remarkable ... all of his discussions are clear and insightful, but some reach a level of originality and illumination that opens genuinely new avenues of philosophical thought ... a rare combination of profundity and clarity, along with simplicity of expression. It should be recommended to all those who are bored with or despair about philosophy.'
Times Literary Supplement
The problem of the relation between mind and world is intriguing but hard. Nagel argues for a form of realism according to which there might be something that goes beyond our ken:unthinkable and unintelligible. His opponents, idealists, holds an opposite view: what there is must be thinkable. I am writing a paper to argue against Nagel's argument.
评分The problem of the relation between mind and world is intriguing but hard. Nagel argues for a form of realism according to which there might be something that goes beyond our ken:unthinkable and unintelligible. His opponents, idealists, holds an opposite view: what there is must be thinkable. I am writing a paper to argue against Nagel's argument.
The View From Nowhere 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书