Count Lyov (also Lev) Nikolayevich Tolstoy (English: /ˈtoʊlstɔɪ, ˈtɒl-/[2]; Russian: Лёв (also Лев) Никола́евич Толсто́й,[note 1] tr. Lyov (also Lev) Nikoláyevich Tolstóy; IPA: [lʲɵf] (also [lʲef]) [nʲɪkɐˈlaɪvʲɪtɕ tɐlˈstoj] (About this sound listen);[note 2] 9 September [O.S. 28 August] 1828 – 20 November [O.S. 7 November] 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time.
Born to an aristocratic Russian family in 1828, he is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877), often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction. He first achieved literary acclaim in his twenties with his semi-autobiographical trilogy, Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth (1852–1856), and Sevastopol Sketches (1855), based upon his experiences in the Crimean War. Tolstoy's fiction includes dozens of short stories and several novellas such as The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886), Family Happiness (1859), and Hadji Murad (1912). He also wrote plays and numerous philosophical essays.
In the 1870s Tolstoy experienced a profound moral crisis, followed by what he regarded as an equally profound spiritual awakening, as outlined in his non-fiction work A Confession (1882). His literal interpretation of the ethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on the Mount, caused him to become a fervent Christian anarchist and pacifist. Tolstoy's ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed in such works as The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894), were to have a profound impact on such pivotal 20th-century figures as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,[3] and Martin Luther King, Jr.[4] Tolstoy also became a dedicated advocate of Georgism, the economic philosophy of Henry George, which he incorporated into his writing, particularly Resurrection (1899).
Translated by Louise & Aylmer Maude
With an Introduction and notes by Henry and Olga Claridge, University of Kent at Canterbury.
War and Peace is a vast epic centred on Napoleon's war with Russia. While it expresses Tolstoy's view that history is an inexorable process which man cannot influence, he peoples his great novel with a cast of over five hundred characters.
Three of these, the artless and delightful Natasha Rostov, the world-weary Prince Andrew Bolkonsky and the idealistic Pierre Bezukhov illustrate Tolstoy's philosophy.
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我有時候無聊會想象自己喜歡的幾個作傢在天堂裏(如果他們混的進去的話,,,)無所事事的情景。 愛倫坡和陀思妥耶夫斯基大概會蹲在在某個角落賭篩子,老陀一邊猛輸,(老天真對變態佬是沒有勝算的)一邊自我陶醉在自我毀滅的快感中,,, 托爾斯泰和巴爾紮剋在大廳的中央的...
評分花瞭整整一個假期的時間,終於讀完瞭這部鴻篇巨作。我感受到的,是這部書所給予我的一種厚重感。 我相信沒有人會不喜歡娜塔莎,喜歡她的美,喜歡她那眼波流轉間裏所流露齣的快樂的笑意,喜歡她那一顰一笑間所展現齣的快活的神情,她就像是一個閃著光亮的天使,散發著無窮...
圖書標籤: LeoTolstoy 英文原版 俄國文學 小說 托爾斯泰 外國文學 文學 俄國
An Epic.
評分看到開頭,齣乎意料的好看。看到軍隊過橋那裏,我的天!打仗太無聊瞭吧!!!寫環境寫心情寫周邊人物,打不起精神看!看來我就是prince andrew特鄙視那種society animal,天天說八卦嚼舌頭比看打仗有意思多瞭好嗎!莫名其妙的心情低落。。其實我沒讀完!後記2還差30分鍾
評分#ayearofwarandpeace 我花瞭一年的時間讀完瞭!!!這故事真的沒什麼頭而且完全沒尾的 最後就這麼結束瞭???? 我喜歡肥皂劇 挺喜歡老托在最後寫的那些essay 但是中間的戰爭部分真的太難熬瞭
評分#ayearofwarandpeace 我花瞭一年的時間讀完瞭!!!這故事真的沒什麼頭而且完全沒尾的 最後就這麼結束瞭???? 我喜歡肥皂劇 挺喜歡老托在最後寫的那些essay 但是中間的戰爭部分真的太難熬瞭
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