Faust 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很早以前看了这本书,略觉得晦涩和不理解。 后来工作了,自己生活了很久以后,再想起这本书。。。发现,人人都是浮士德。。 魔鬼为了获得浮士德的灵魂,为浮士德提供了所有他想要的,刺激的,甚至是无耻的经历。。 生活中的我们,面对着所有物质的精神的和其他的诱惑,谁敢...
评分孤独的光芒,激情的火 ——“体验”着浮士德的“体验” 我们不能真正的懂得一位大家,一切蜻蜒点水般的奢谈都是对他们的亵渎。 一 或者说,体验才是浮士德的名字。对浮士德而言,...
评分两天时间断断续续把手中50万字的诗剧本《浮士德》读了大半,这是出事之后心中强烈想找出来读的第一本书,似有圣灵引导,跟上次强烈要读《游子吟》一样的感觉。它能给我带来什么呢? 不记得手中这本93年译林版樊修章译本从何而来,上一次读应该是在去德国法兰克福——歌德的故...
评分舞台序幕 请去跨越宇宙的全境,以一种从容不迫的态度,遍游天上人间和地狱 P15 你从祖先手里继承的遗产,要努力利用,才能安。不用的东西乃是沉重的负担,只有应时的产物,才能有应时的用场。 P31 有两个灵魂住在我的胸中,它们总想互相分道扬镳;一个怀着一种强...
评分时隔如此之久,终于理解浮士德。人对宇宙和真理的探索无穷无尽,锐意探索最终往往是徒劳。理性和知识的增加并不会让我们更幸福,求知奋进的过程却会让我们失去了本真世俗的快乐。人的精神归宿在于神性(das Unheimliche) ,让人得到心灵的安宁,把自己交给信仰,最终获得相对的...
图书标签: 文学 外国文学 英文原版 歌德 Goethe 诗歌 英国文学 浮士德
The Norton Critical Edition of Goethe's master-piece is again based on the distinguished translation of Walter Arndt and includes Parts I and II complete. The "Interpretive Notes" by the editor have been greatly expanded and set in a larger, more readable type.
"Contexts" includes selections from Goethe's correspondence, working plans, and other writings relevant to the evolution of the drama. Excerpts from his conversations with Eckermann concerning the composition of Part II are included. Also included are several illustrations to Part I by Eugene Delacroix and Peter Cornelius, as well as visual sources used by Goethe from Giorgione, Correggio, and Raphael. "Comments by Contemporaries" includes eleven early assessments of Faust, among them--new to the Second Edition--excerpts from Wilhelm yon Humboldt, Henrik Steffens, Thomas Carlyle, Margaret Fuller, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"Modern Criticism" has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent developments in Goethe scholarship, especially in the United States. The ten contributors, all new to this edition, are Stuart Atkins, Jaroslav Pelikan, Benjamin Bennett, Franco Moretti, Friedrich A. Kittler, Neil M. Flax, Marc Shell, Jane K. Brown, Hans Rudolf Vaget, and Marshall Berman. Also included is a recent poem by John Hollander, "What the Lovers in the Old Songs Thought."
评分II, III. Un livre qui m'a détruit.
Faust 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书