The Norton Critical Edition of Goethe's master-piece is again based on the distinguished translation of Walter Arndt and includes Parts I and II complete. The "Interpretive Notes" by the editor have been greatly expanded and set in a larger, more readable type.
"Contexts" includes selections from Goethe's correspondence, working plans, and other writings relevant to the evolution of the drama. Excerpts from his conversations with Eckermann concerning the composition of Part II are included. Also included are several illustrations to Part I by Eugene Delacroix and Peter Cornelius, as well as visual sources used by Goethe from Giorgione, Correggio, and Raphael. "Comments by Contemporaries" includes eleven early assessments of Faust, among them--new to the Second Edition--excerpts from Wilhelm yon Humboldt, Henrik Steffens, Thomas Carlyle, Margaret Fuller, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"Modern Criticism" has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent developments in Goethe scholarship, especially in the United States. The ten contributors, all new to this edition, are Stuart Atkins, Jaroslav Pelikan, Benjamin Bennett, Franco Moretti, Friedrich A. Kittler, Neil M. Flax, Marc Shell, Jane K. Brown, Hans Rudolf Vaget, and Marshall Berman. Also included is a recent poem by John Hollander, "What the Lovers in the Old Songs Thought."
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魔鬼,在宗教中的形象通常驕傲、詭詐、汙穢、凶殘。它們的齣現總是伴隨著地獄的罪惡和恐怖。魔鬼的外形就說明瞭這一點:龐大的黑色身軀,猙獰的麵孔,尖銳的爪牙和勾人魂魄的鐮刀或者同樣險惡的三叉戟。 《浮士德》中的魔鬼梅菲斯特因其復雜的性格形象而成為文學研究者們津津...
評分兩天時間斷斷續續把手中50萬字的詩劇本《浮士德》讀瞭大半,這是齣事之後心中強烈想找齣來讀的第一本書,似有聖靈引導,跟上次強烈要讀《遊子吟》一樣的感覺。它能給我帶來什麼呢? 不記得手中這本93年譯林版樊修章譯本從何而來,上一次讀應該是在去德國法蘭剋福——歌德的故...
評分孤獨的光芒,激情的火 ——“體驗”著浮士德的“體驗” 我們不能真正的懂得一位大傢,一切蜻蜒點水般的奢談都是對他們的褻瀆。 一 或者說,體驗纔是浮士德的名字。對浮士德而言,...
評分兩天時間斷斷續續把手中50萬字的詩劇本《浮士德》讀瞭大半,這是齣事之後心中強烈想找齣來讀的第一本書,似有聖靈引導,跟上次強烈要讀《遊子吟》一樣的感覺。它能給我帶來什麼呢? 不記得手中這本93年譯林版樊修章譯本從何而來,上一次讀應該是在去德國法蘭剋福——歌德的故...
圖書標籤: 文學 外國文學 英文原版 歌德 Goethe 詩歌 英國文學 浮士德
評分II, III. Un livre qui m'a détruit.
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