1959年,生于英格兰的曼彻斯特。自小由笃信宗教的夫妇收养。当时家中有六本书,其中《亚瑟王之死》激发了温特森对书本和写作的渴望。1978年,温特森开始恋爱,离家出走。她在殡仪馆、精 神病院等地留宿打工,但仍以全A的成绩考进牛津大学英语系。1985年,处女作《橘子不是唯一的水果》出版,荣获惠特布莱德首作奖。由她亲自改编的同名BBC剧集也大获好评,获得各项国际大奖。
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真相在伤口里 卢德坤 珍妮特·温特森的小说,都肇始于人类情感能延展到的极境。在温特森那儿,所谓人类情感,绝大部分时候就是爱情的同名词。如果说,书也是有性格的,那么,温特森的书表现出以下种种“负面性格”:偏执、狂狷、冲动、蛮横、倨傲、自负。在日常生活中,在...
评分看书的大致内容是本跳跃式的写作法。 但不知是翻译者在此书的理解上不到位还是本身作者的意象思维太过于刻意,总之是不喜欢的书,当时看书的内容简介觉得还比较有意思,就买了。看了一点,就觉得很难再看下去。翻译的语句直白到赤裸,明显感觉在词语表达上不够考究。总之,不好...
评分 评分坦言说一开始看这本书完全是被秘密花园一般的封面吸引,书名THE POWER BOOK总让我有些关于力量和治愈的猜想,随便翻了几页感受到的是排版的奇特,肤浅如我,自然决定要看一看。 排版很空,阅读速度明显提升,给我以一种效率极高的满足感,不知道这种感受是不是提升了对于书的...
图书标签: JeanetteWinterson 小说 英文原版 英国 外国文学 英文 英國 英国文学
To avoid discovery I stay on the run. To discover things for myself, I stay on the run. "The PowerBook" is twenty-first century fiction that uses past, present and future as shifting dimensions of a multiple reality. The story is simple. An e-writer called Ali or Alix will write to order anything you like, provided that you are prepared to enter the story as yourself and take the risk of leaving it as someone else. You can be the hero of your own life. You can have freedom just for one night. But there is a price. Ali discovers that she too will have to pay it. Death can take the body but not the heart. Set in London, Paris, Capri and Cyberspace, this is a book that reinvents itself as it travels. Using cover-versions, fairy tales, contemporary myths and popular culture, "The PowerBook" works at the intersection between the real and the imagined. Its territory is you.
'Noah must have felt like this.' 'Soaked?' 'Free.' 橘子不是唯一水果的升级版,成年版。平庸生活中迸发的激情是虚空中的神迹,整本书宛如一封抵死缠绵的情书。结尾泰晤士河上的亮光让我想到杜甫的诗句:不贪夜识金银气。当然意思是反着来的。
评分another awesome works from Jeanette Winterson. I love the feeling that she brought the readers to the narration and the tulips, the love and disguise
评分公交地铁kill time
评分another awesome works from Jeanette Winterson. I love the feeling that she brought the readers to the narration and the tulips, the love and disguise
The PowerBook 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书