Helen Hackett is a Professor of English at UCL, where she runs the Shakespeare course. Her publications include A Short History of English Renaissance Drama (2012), Shakespeare and Elizabeth: The Meeting of Two Myths (2009), and the introduction to the Penguin edition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2005). She enjoys setting Shakespeare’s works in the historical contexts of their time, and also investigating how Shakespeare’s cultural meaning has developed over the centuries up to the present. She also has a particular interest in Renaissance literature by and about women, as explored in her books Virgin Mother, Maiden Queen: Elizabeth I and the Cult of the Virgin Mary (1995) and Women and Romance Fiction in the English Renaissance (2000). Helen is co-director of the UCL Centre for Early Modern Exchanges: this fosters research into all kinds of intercultural exchange in the period 1450-1800, including travel, trade, translation, and the circulation of ideas. Her web-page is at http://www.ucl.ac.uk/english/about/staff/hh.htm.
Shakespeare is a towering presence in English and indeed global culture. Yet considered alongside his contemporaries he was not an isolated phenomenon, but the product of a period of astonishing creative fertility. This was an age when new media - popular drama and print - were seized upon avidly and inventively by a generation of exceptionally talented writers. In her sparkling new book, Helen Hackett explores the historical contexts of English Renaissance drama by situating it in the wider history of ideas. She traces the origins of Renaissance theatre in communal religious drama, civic pageantry and court entertainment and vividly describes the playing conditions of Elizabethan and Jacobean playhouses. Examining Marlowe, Shakespeare and Jonson in turn, the author assesses the distinctive contribution made by each playwright to the creation of English drama. She then turns to revenge tragedy, with its gothic poetry of sex and death; city comedy, domestic tragedy and tragicomedy; and gender and drama, with female roles played by boy actors in commercial playhouses while women participated in drama at court and elsewhere. The book places Renaissance drama in the exciting and vibrant cosmopolitanism of sixteenth-century London.
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文藝復興是發生在14世紀到16世紀的一場反映新興資産階級要求的歐洲思想文化運動。最先在意大利各城市興起,之後擴展到西歐各國,在16世紀達到頂峰,揭開瞭近代歐洲曆史的序幕,被認為是中古時代和近代的分界。 14世紀城市經濟繁榮的意大利,最先齣現瞭對天主教文化的反抗。當時...
評分還記得大年初二晚上《聲臨其境》終於迎來瞭王洛勇老師,作為百老匯亞洲第一人,他其實並不為大眾所熟知。在《聲臨其境》的舞颱上,他那流利的古英語發音,再配閤劇中人物的呼吸和動作,一句“To be or not to be”瞬間將觀眾帶入到莎翁名著《哈姆雷特》中的經典獨白片段。據說...
評分 評分 評分這本書層麵展示瞭英語戲劇的連續性。像《枕頭人》這種殘酷戲劇在文藝復興時代就以血腥的復仇劇的形式存在瞭。比較有趣的事本書討論瞭當時戲劇的演齣形式,以及觀眾的觀看體驗——和中國傳統戲劇類似,文藝復興戲劇需要觀眾想象力的參與。作者在最後特彆展示瞭一種「套娃」的故...
圖書標籤: 戲劇 莎士比亞 馬洛裏 英國 簡史 文藝復興
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