哈韋•卡普(Harvey Karp)
★頻繁亮相美國各大熱門電視節目,包括《菲爾博士》《早安美國》《觀點》,以及CNN有綫電視頻道節目、 CBC晚間新聞節目和微軟國傢廣播節目等。
“A must read! Dr. Karp offers insights into parenting by combining ancient and modern wisdom. Our baby boy responded to the 5 S’s immediately!”
--Keely and Pierce Brosnan, TV journalist/environmentalist and actor
“Harvey writes about areas that most parenting books don’t address. What every mother needs are simple tools that really work . . . and Harvey’s do.”
—Michelle Pfeiffer, actress/producer
“A witty and masterful book bursting with wisdom from start to finish. It contains some of the best, most original ideas about new babies I have ever seen. Dr. Karp entertains as he teaches, providing wonderful and innovative suggestions in a family-friendly way.”
—James McKenna, Ph.D., chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame, and director, Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory
“What a marvelous book! Parents for years to come will be grateful to Dr. Karp for this lucid and entertaining explanation of why babies cry and how to help them.”
—Martin Stein, M.D., Professor of pediatrics, University of California, San Diego Medical School, author of “Harvey Karp is the type of pediatrician that every parent would want. His experience is beyond compare and his ability to relate to parents is impressive. The Happiest Baby on the Block has the perfect solutions for helping parents grow and thrive . . . along with their babies.”
—Sandra Apgar Steffes, R.N., M.S., member, Board of Directors, Lamaze International
“There is nothing quite like watching Dr. Harvey work wonders on a screaming baby. He’s not a pediatrician, he’s a magician. Every time I bring my kids in to see him, I walk out wishing he was their father.”
—Larry David, star of Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm and co-creator of Seinfeld
"The Happiest Baby on the Block is fun, fascinating and convincing. I highly recommend it to all new parents to help them accomplish one of their most important jobs…soothing their crying baby.”
-Elisabeth Bing, author and co-founder of Lamaze International
"Simply put, this is the best book I've ever read about keeping babies calm and happy. It is a must for everyone who cares about infants."
-William Lord Coleman, MD, Center for Development and Learning, University
of North Carolina, author of Family-Focused Behavioral Pediatrics
"Dr. Karp’s practical approach is a superb way to help babies when they are crying or upset. All who care for children will gain greatly from this new addition to our parenting library.”
-- Steven P. Shelov, M.D., Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Infants and Children’s Hospital of Brooklyn, Maimonides, editor-in-chief, American Academy of Pediatrics Caring for Your New Baby and Young Child: Birth to Five
"This beautifully written volume meets a tremendous need for a scientifically sound and effective parent guide to the care of persistently crying babies. Dr. Karp has written the best book that I've read on this challenging topic."
-Morris Green, M.D., Perry W. Lesh Professor of Pediatrics, Indiana
University School of Medicine
"Dr. Karp's 'Cuddle Cure' is quite simply the best way I know to calm crying
-Stanley Inkelis, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine
Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Hospital
"Dr. Karp's book is extraordinary. The advice contained in this book, will make any parent, or grandparent, feel like a baby expert."
—Neal Kaufman, M.D., M.P.H., Professor Of Pediatrics, UCLA School Of
Medicine, Director Primary Care Pediatrics, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
“The ‘Karp Wrap’ can stop a baby’s cries instantly!“
—Lynn Sullivan, RN, Director, Newborn Nursing Services, SM-UCLA Hospital
“Dr. Karp was exactly the doctor to see us through parenthood. He has the magic touch – not just with babies, but with new parents too.”
—Robin Swicord and Nicholas Kazan, screenwriters of and “I wish I had known Dr. Karp for my first two children. With the soothing, loving tips in this book, caring for my two most recent babies has been a dream.”
—Hunter Tylo, actress/founder of Hunter’s Chosen Child
"Dr. Karp is simply the best. Any time a problem pops up in our children, he guides us with warmth, wisdom and humor. And that helps us sleep better at night."
—Jerry Zucker, director of , and “Harvey Karp’s enlightened and creative approach has been a benefit not only to our children, but to my wife and me as parents.”
—Kristen and Lindsey Buckingham, photographer and singer-songwriter,
Fleetwood Mac
“Harvey Karp would make my Big Mama proud! He is leading us back to ages old basics, back to motherwit.”
—Alfre Woodard, actress
From the Hardcover edition.
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初為人母,時間被帶娃填的滿滿的,這本書也是斷斷續續看瞭好久。但很值得,它仿佛帶我打開瞭新世界的大門。有感動,有乾貨。它讓我知道瞭一個概念叫“第四期”,它激勵我消除抱怨,心甘情願用更多愛去對待我的孩子。同時,用一些有有效的方法,做一個聰明的媽媽。 作為睡眠入門...
評分這本書主要講瞭如何安撫狂哭不止的新生兒。 幾百萬年來的進化過程迫使我們的祖先不得不在嬰兒尚未發育完全之前就讓他們降臨到人世。我史前媽媽提前三個月“驅逐”嬰兒完全是不得已的,因為他們的大腦發育得太快瞭。在生命的頭三個月,他們還是太脆弱瞭,如果能夠跳迴原本的孕育...
評分本書推銷一種看法(嬰兒早齣生瞭三個月,所以要經曆一個第四期,在這個階段,父母應該為其提供類似於子宮的體驗)和一套做法(5S法,即包裹、噓聲、側躺、搖晃、奶嘴,整閤為一套擁抱療法,可以讓哭鬧的孩子快速安靜下來)。 我相信這套方法對於忙碌於工作而少有時間與孩子待在...
評分這本書主要講瞭如何安撫狂哭不止的新生兒。 幾百萬年來的進化過程迫使我們的祖先不得不在嬰兒尚未發育完全之前就讓他們降臨到人世。我史前媽媽提前三個月“驅逐”嬰兒完全是不得已的,因為他們的大腦發育得太快瞭。在生命的頭三個月,他們還是太脆弱瞭,如果能夠跳迴原本的孕育...
圖書標籤: 育兒 美國 5s 小小劉 醫學 sth parenting parent
評分除瞭PART ONE有點重復冗長,PART TWO 和Appendix B 特彆精彩/風趣/通俗/感人。謝謝羽~
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