Of Aristotle's works, few have had as lasting an influence on subsequent Western thought as The Nicomachean Ethics. In it, he argues that happiness consists in “activity of the soul in accordance with virtue,” defining “virtue” as both moral (courage, generosity, and justice) and intellectual (knowledge, wisdom, and insight). Aristotle also discusses the nature of practical reasoning, the different forms of friendship, and the relationship between individual virtue and the state. Featuring a lucid translation, a new introduction, updated suggestions for further reading, and a chronology of Aristotle's life and works, this is the authoritative edition of a seminal intellectual masterpiece.
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近期讀《尼各馬可倫理學》,還是有很大收獲的。人這一輩子受時間、精力所限,能精讀的書不多,所以能聽到這本書的講解,實乃一種緣分,更是一種幸運。特彆要感謝Y同學的推薦。 一 人們生活是為瞭追求至善;在亞裏士多德看來,人的每種技藝與研究、實踐與選...
評分 評分我在想,如果當年我就讀到廖申白這本,而不是苗力田那本,估計我對亞叔的興趣就不會這麼姍姍來遲。當年苗力田那本,勉強看完第一章,就扔掉,從此把亞叔打入冷宮。 苗爺爺的那本沒有給力的注釋,而且對比廖申白這本,更像是一種意譯。苗爺爺自然功力深厚,無人可比,但他自己...
圖書標籤: 哲學 古希臘 Aristotle 亞裏士多德 哲學 倫理學 Philosophy 希臘
Normative Ethics Textbook
評分Normative Ethics Textbook
評分Normative Ethics Textbook
評分在讀。/The science that studies the supreme good for man is politics. 中文“政治”這個詞是近代中國從日語引進的,日語“政治”の語源は古代ギリシアのポリスである,即來自古希臘的polis, 城邦。有城市的地方,就會有政治。不願瞭解政治?藉用柏拉圖的一句話:The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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