作 者
詹姆斯·戈登·芬利森(James Gordon Finlayson) 英國塞西剋斯大學哲學高級講師,社會與政治思想學科召集人,之前曾在約剋大學任哲學講師。在《探索》(Inquiry)、《歐洲哲學雜誌》等期刊上發錶過關於德國現代哲學的論文,對《哈貝馬斯:一個批判的讀者》一書有所貢獻。研究旨趣包括社會與政治哲學、古代倫理與現代倫理、哲學史。
徐友漁 中國社會科學院哲學研究所研究員。1982年畢業於中國社會科學院研究生院,獲哲學碩士學位。發錶《“哥白尼式”的革命》、《形形色色的造反》、《告彆20世紀》、《不懈的精神追求》、《重讀自由主義及其他》等著作十餘部。
* Provides a completely up to date and much-needed entry into the long and forbiddingly technical works of the most influential German philosopher alive today
* Covers Habermas's influence on a wide variety of fields, including philosophy, political and social theory, cultural studies, sociology, and literary studies
* Explains how Habermas's ideas are applied to present day social and political situations
* Unlike other writings on Habermas, this explains his intellectual framework and technical vocabulary rather than simply adopting it
This book gives a clear and readable overview of the philosophical work of Jurgen Habermas, the most influential German philosopher alive today, who has commented widely on subjects such as Marxism, the importance and effectiveness of communication, the reunification of Germany, and the European Union.
Gordon Finlayson provides readers with a clear and readable overview of Habermas's forbiddingly complex philosophy using concrete examples and accessible language. He then goes on to analyse both the theoretical underpinnings of Habermas's social theory, and its more concrete applications in the fields of ethics, politics, and law; and concludes with an examination how Habermas's social and political theory informs his writing on contemporary, political, and social problems.
Preface: Who is J?rgen Habermas
1. Habermas and Frankfurt School Critical Theory
2. Habermas's New Approach to Social Theory
3. The Pragmatic Meaning Programme
4. The Programme of Social Theory
5. Habermas's Theory of Modernity
6. Discourse Ethics I: The Discourse Theory of Morality
7. Discourse Ethics II: Ethical Discourse and the Political Turn
8. Politics, Democracy, and Law
9. Politics Beyond The Bounds Of The Nation Alone
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把哈貝馬斯的理論分成5個部分。每一部分都作瞭深入淺齣的解說。尤其是前三個部分,解說得非常清楚。後兩個部分,也許是我個人的原因,感覺點得不是很透。但總體而言,要想獲得對哈貝馬斯的入門理解,這本書絕對是勝任的。 對比劍橋齣版的Comapanion to HABERMAS和Mccathy撰寫的...
評分 評分哈貝馬斯是個難懂的人物,思想龐雜精細,環環相扣,一直沒怎麼弄懂,讀一般的理論介紹的書和相關章節也是雲裏霧裏。究其原因,編寫的水平參差不齊,更重要的是,哈貝馬斯的學說涉及諸多學科,哲學、社會學、政治學、倫理學等等,使得哪個學科的教科書中的介紹都難免有失偏頗。...
圖書標籤: 哲學 社會學 哈貝馬斯 VSI Habermas philosophy 牛津通識 SOCIOLOGY
評分<熊貓:膜蛤,膜哈,蛤貝膜斯> 哈貝馬斯果然是大傢,實在是太厲害瞭,難怪Larry小哥那麼喜歡他。從其對語言學(dialectics),意識形態,社會秩序,倫理學,現代性,民主化(公民社會),法律學,全球化(citizenship)的巨大貢獻之中,我最感興趣的應當是system對lifeworld殖民化(chap4)和政治社會學(chap8)的部分。這麼profound, prevalent的思想體係,恕我隻能研習其中的一小撮瞭 Chris
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