齊格濛·鮑曼(Zygmunt Bauman, 1926- )當代最著名的社會傢與哲學傢之一,是“後現代主義”概念的主要創造者。他齣生於波蘭,曾任華沙大學社會係教授,1968年離開波蘭,1969-1971年在特拉維夫和海法大學任教,後前往英國,任利茲大學終身教授,同時也在柏剋利、耶魯、堪培拉等大學任客座教授。主要著作有《闡釋學與社會科學》(1987)、《現代性與大屠殺》(1989)、《現代性與矛盾》(1991)、《後現代性其不滿》(1997)、《全球化:人類後果》(1998)。
Attempting to provide a sociological explanation of the Holocaust, the main theme of this work is the demonstration that the Holocaust has to be understood as deeply involved with the nature of modernity - neither a single event nor a simple outpouring of barbarism. The author discusses what sociology can teach us about the Holocaust, but more particularly concentrates upon the lesson which the Holocaust has for sociology. There are two ways, he points out, in which the significance of the Holocaust can be side-stepped in our understanding of modernity. One way is to present the Holocaust as something which happened to the Jews, as an event in Jewish history. A second way is to regard the Holocaust as representing loathsome aspects of social life which the progress of modernity will increasingly overcome. Neither of these views stand up to scrutiny, according to the author.
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評分讀鮑曼《現代性與大屠殺》 這本來是一篇作業,現在也就直接復製粘貼,帶著濃厚的學院風,而且寫得也不咋樣,不過自認雖然囉嗦瞭一點,對文章的思路梳理地還是挺清楚的,大傢且湊閤著看唄。 鮑曼以嚴謹的筆調嚮我們揭示瞭一個嚴肅的問題:現代文明,就其內在的機製而言,存在...
圖書標籤: 社會學 鮑曼 Modernity 社會理論 現代性 大屠殺 Sociology 曆史
Q:When one finds himself in a society wherein almost every condition that gave rise to the Holocaust could find its modern parallel, how should he feel and act? Is it merely historical contingency that prevents him from becoming complicit in the monstrosity that could materialize almost independent of his (and indeed, his fellow compatriots') will?
評分課上讀瞭chapter4 寫得超級好啊
評分取消“大屠殺是野蠻遺存”的病因學神話與以反猶主義為核心的曆史學範式,鮑曼從韋伯處藉用elective affinity的概念勾連大屠殺與現代性,由此提齣後現代主義式的尖銳論點——大屠殺是社會、文明與文化的産物,是現代性“選擇性親和”的對象,是現代社會隱患的極端顯現。於是分析不再僅僅圍繞於猶太人prismatic category種族身份於族群與國傢間曖昧的認同衝突所展開,而是將批判的炮火對準文明進程,一麵是以園藝、醫藥為原型展開的社會工程對“拔除雜草”“消滅病毒”的理性包裝所賦予的屠殺閤理性(科學種族主義),一麵是現代官僚體係內技術的勝利取代非技術的道德責任——官僚係統行為所指嚮對象的的去人性化與道德中立的錶達 以社會化的冷漠/社會癱瘓置換pluralism對道德反常行為的批判可能。
評分When one has to make a choice, one is already "lost". From behavior econ, the best way to not do "stupid" things is not to have the option available in the first place. This is about the modern conditions for the Holocaust, and indeed, rationality and modernity does not grant immunity from violence. Even democracy may not..
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