Alan S. Kahan is an associate professor in the history department at Florida International University and the author of Aristocratic Liberalism and Liberalism in Nineteeth-Century Europe.
Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) is familiar to readers as the author of Democracy in America, the most-quoted book written about the United States. The Old Regime and the Revolution is Tocqueville's great meditation on the origins and meanings of the French Revolution. One of the most profound and influential studies of this pivotal event, it remains a relevant and stimulating discussion of the problem of preserving individual and political freedom in the modern world. Writing in 1851, Tocqueville showed the continuity of French political behavior and social attitudes before and after the Revolution. He discussed the dangers to political freedom posed by tendencies towards government centralization and persistent class hostility that endured from the old regime to the Revolution and beyond.
Alan Kahan's new translation finally provides a faithful and readable rendering in English of Tocqueville's last masterpiece, surpassing existing English editions of the work which are now decades old. The first translation to be based on the forthcoming French critical edition, it includes notes and variants, which reveal Tocqueville's sources as well as new material from his drafts and revisions. The reader will also find a new introduction and other discussions by France's most eminent scholars on Tocqueville and the French Revolution, Françoise Mélonio and the late François Furet.
A major scholarly event, this handsomely produced book will be the definitive English edition of one of the great books in modern intellectual history.
François Furet (1992-1997) was the leading French historian of the Revolution and, according to the New York Times, "one of the most influential French thinkers of the post-war era." Françoise Mélonio is the editor of Gallimard's critical edition of Tocqueville's complete works.
"Françoise Furet . . . challenged the popular Marxist interpretation of the French Revolution and reshaped French thinking about subsequent events. His lifelong fascination with the French Revolution and his many books on it . . . earned him a special place among historians."-New York Times, 16 July 1997
First published in 1856, Tocqueville's examination of the French Revolution is perhaps a most important contribution to our understaning of this keystone of modern history.
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【按語:《舊製度與大革命》(1856)可以說是《論美國的民主》的更為陰鬱的姊妹篇。從遙遠的美國收迴目光,托剋維爾審視瞭法國自身的現狀和曆史。第二捲第11章的對比錶明,托剋維爾認為1850年代的法國仍處在中央集權的民主專製(democratic despotism)中,法國人還是沒有學會...
評分在做外新史的讀書筆記,放上來的這部分是末尾的一些筆記之外的想法,靠不靠譜尚不可知,歡迎討論:) 如下: 在現有的諸多關於對托剋維爾之法國大革命觀的研究理論中,很少提及政體閤法性與革命之間的關係。筆者認為可在此處做深入探究。 復旦大學政治學係教授陳明明曾...
評分 評分 翻齣瞭自己八年前寫的《舊製度與大革命》書評~ 那時候正是研三,作為一個剛剛開始對政治經濟曆史之類玩意兒感興趣的工科生,上渠敬東老師的理論課,寫瞭這麼一個四不像的期中論文。八年過去瞭,看到一...
評分圖書標籤: 托剋維爾 法國大革命 法國 曆史 政治 社會學 社會學 歷史
評分"B.S. History -- Bullshit, beautiful still."
評分mind blown...
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