Hal R. Varian is Dean of the School of Information Management and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. He also holds joint appointments in Berkeley's economics department and Haas School of Business. Professor Varian earned his S.B. from MIT, and his Ph.D. from Berkeley. He has taught at the University of Michigan, MIT, Stanford University, University of Siena (Italy), University of Stockholm, and Nuffield College at Oxford University. His graduate textbook, Microeconomic Analysis, is one of the most widely read graduate textbooks in economics. He is the co-author of a best-selling book on business strategy, Information Rules.
Intermediate Microeconomics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
整本书印象最深的就是范里安对福利经济学的论述使我突然明白了微观经济学究竟是在干什么。 看完本书之后,我认为,其实,微观经济学仍然是在一种政治经济学。对于初学者,微观经济学给人的感觉无非就是在推导需求和供给曲线,最后阿罗和德布鲁再告诉你有个一般均衡定理...
评分同样作为标准的微观经济学中级教材,较之平狄克的书,我对《现代观点》尤其偏爱。 首先,一如作者在前言中所说,《现代观点》注重对经济学分析方法的阐释,力求学习者掌握这种方法,而非重复课本中早已被吸收的例证。抛掉了一般性科普性的叙述,书中的论证显得更...
评分这本书语言浅白,但很多看似平淡无奇的地方,却是暗藏玄机、微言大义,当然需要你反复阅读。 在我读过的中级教材里,这本算是数学工具用得最少的了,实在是少得不能再少了,而且很多数学内容放到了附录里。但就对微观经济学本身的理解,以及各部分的内在联系来说,这本书已经...
评分我读过的经济学书籍不多,除了萨缪尔森的《经济学》,似乎就只有这一本了。而这本读过的次数我自己也数不清楚了。 读这本的起源是周黎安老师,当时他正在教授微观经济学这门课程,而我正好在旁听这门课,教材就是这本书。 课程是全英文教学,从讲课到讲义,我用了两年时间,听...
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图书标签: 经济学 Microeconomics Economics 教材 Varian 经济 textbook 美国
Unrivaled in its unique combination of analytical rigor and accessibility, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach has garnered one of the broadest adoption lists in the market. Now appearing in its Sixth Edition, Professor Varian's hallmark text is better than ever, featuring new treatments of game theory and competitive strategy, and a variety of new illustrative examples. Modern, authoritative, and above all crafted by an outstanding teacher and scholar, Intermediate Microeconomics, Sixth Edition will expand your students' analytic powers and strengthen their understanding of microeconomics.
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Intermediate Microeconomics 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书