The Socialist System 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
科尔奈的这本书让我有了新的分析视野,即在一种结构下看个体行为,在个体行为下考虑背后的结构因素。 产权是限制人行为的基本社会因素,社会主义体制下的产权是怎么样的呢? 之前对社会主义的认知一直是所谓公有就是官僚所有。但这个认知在科尔奈细致的分...
评分短缺经济学是一本经典,现在这本又成新经典,很好很强大也! 中国特色社会主义市场经济体制的建立,改革的进一步深入,这本书给了我们很大启示。市场经济下,信息很重要,信号模型让人信服。大学生就业问题就是一个很好的信号模型应用呢
评分近来读到一篇文章,是关于国有企业内部管理的一些事。其中说到在一个错误的体制内怎么做都是错的。我想,如果这个体制说的是分配体制和奖惩机制,那么这是对的,但如果说的是当前的经济体制,那么则是错的。 国有企业是政府对国家经济命脉的掌控,是政府施行政治纲领的...
评分近来读到一篇文章,是关于国有企业内部管理的一些事。其中说到在一个错误的体制内怎么做都是错的。我想,如果这个体制说的是分配体制和奖惩机制,那么这是对的,但如果说的是当前的经济体制,那么则是错的。 国有企业是政府对国家经济命脉的掌控,是政府施行政治纲领的...
评分一部大部头。断断续续的看到第11章了。 把社会主义这个大家伙系统的分为3个模式,再把他在政治、经济、体制等方面的形态活动细致的一条一条的列出来加以分析。还在社会主义的3个模式下相互对比和资本主义方面对比。图表、例证详细充分。 这部书的核心就是:系统、...
图书标签: 比较政治 政治经济学 苏东研究 政治学 Kornai political-science OperationUranus 比较政治经济学
To understand the dramatic collapse of the socialist order and the current turmoil in the formerly communist world, this comprehensive work examines the most important common properties of all socialist societies. JNBnos Kornai brings a life-long study of the problems of the socialist system to his explanation of why inherent attributes of socialism inevitably produced in-efficiency. In his past work he has focused on the economic sphere, maintaining consistently that the weak economic performance of socialist countries resulted from the system itself, not from the personalities of top leaders or mistakes made by leading organizations and planners.This book synthesizes themes from his earlier investigations, while broadening the discussion to include the role of the political power structure and of communist ideology. Kornai distinguishes between two types, or historical phases, of socialism. The 'classical socialism' of Stalin, Mao, and their followers is totalitarian and brutally repressive, but its components fit together and make up a coherent edifice. Associated with names like Tito, KNBdar, Deng-Xiaoping, and Gorbachev, 'reform socialism' relaxes repression, but brings about a sharpening of inner contradictions and the eventual dissolution of the system.Kornai examines the classical system in the first half of the book, and moves on to explore the complex process of reform in the second half. "The Socialist System" is addressed to economists in the first place, but also to political scientists, sociologists, and historians. In addition, it will appeal to policymakers, business analysts, and government officials who need to understand either formerly or presently communist countries.
评分Chap 15(15.1) main line of causality. The socialist system did not renew and free its dysfunctional features while remain the sole rule of communist party and dominance of the state sector (p377). Chap 21 the dominance of public ownership and the separation of the market are not compatible (p500). Cheap mercialism (p509). Chap 23&24 (24.1). SY 9/21
The Socialist System 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书