In this first social and cultural history of Japan's construction of Manchuria, Louise Young offers an incisive examination of the nature of Japanese imperialism. Focusing on the domestic impact of Japan's activities in Northeast China between 1931 and 1945, Young considers "metropolitan effects" of empire building: how people at home imagined and experienced the empire they called Manchukuo. Contrary to the conventional assumption that a few army officers and bureaucrats were responsible for Japan's overseas expansion, Young finds that a variety of organizations helped to mobilize popular support for Manchukuo--the mass media, the academy, chambers of commerce, women's organizations, youth groups, and agricultural cooperatives--leading to broad-based support among diverse groups of Japanese. As the empire was being built in China, Young shows, an imagined Manchukuo was emerging at home, constructed of visions of a defensive lifeline, a developing economy, and a settler's paradise.
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圖書標籤: 日本 滿洲國 曆史 日本史 近代史 日本研究 海外中國研究 帝國研究
中央 B2研究書庫 F210.7 00021 返卻期限 10-07-09 高田記念図書館 F210.7 0009 利用可能 國際教養/Dブロック(一般図書) 210.7 Y 利用可能 國際教養/Dブロック(一般図書) 210.7 Y 返卻期限 10-06-18
評分花瞭一個月,中間斷斷續續,有幾章看得比較快,總算把Louise Young這本講述日占滿洲(國)時期曆史的巨作啃完瞭。關於滿洲國曆史的書看得還不多,所以暫時不清楚這是不是第一本提齣“總動員帝國“(total empire)概念的書,但讀完後也是被Young對曆史的縝密的梳理以及對曆史原因冷靜的追問所摺服。正如導語裏介紹的,全書主要是從軍事、經濟及移民三個角度展開,而按照結尾處的總結,全書又是著眼於大眾傳媒、政治、財閥與軍隊、烏托邦帝國、國傢對經濟社會的乾預以及政府機構對於帝國建設的動員等六部分展開。末尾,Young對現代性與日本帝國主義的關係也有淺嘗輒止的論述。而對於這段曆史的曆史性,作者也補充瞭世界大恐慌和中國國內民族抵抗運動的背景。總結就是,一個漸進式的沒有迴頭路的“總動員帝國”。
評分Louise Young 是個大牛人。。
評分The chapters on agrarian imperialism and the co-opting of Japanese social democrats were especially good, as was the bit on trading patterns.
評分中央 B2研究書庫 F210.7 00021 返卻期限 10-07-09 高田記念図書館 F210.7 0009 利用可能 國際教養/Dブロック(一般図書) 210.7 Y 利用可能 國際教養/Dブロック(一般図書) 210.7 Y 返卻期限 10-06-18
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