Robert Axelrod is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Michigan. A MacArthur Prize Fellow, he is a leading expert on game theory, artificial intelligence, evolutionary biology, mathematical modeling, and complexity theory. He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Updated for the first time, the classic book on why cooperation is not only natural but also the best survival strategy The Evolution of Cooperation addresses a simple yet age-old question: If living things evolve through competition, how can cooperation ever emerge? Despite the abundant evidence of cooperation all around us, there existed no purely naturalistic answer to this question until 1979, when Robert Axelrod famously ran a computer tournament featuring a standard game-theory exercise called The Prisoner's Dilemma. To everyone's surprise, the program that won the tournament, named Tit for Tat, was not only the simplest but the most "cooperative" entrant. This unexpected victory proved that cooperation--one might even say altruism--is mathematically possible and therefore needs no hidden hand or divine agent to create and sustain it. A great roadblock to the understanding of all sorts of behavior was at last removed. The updated edition includes an extensive new chapter on cooperation in cancer cells and among terrorist organizations. "This book, if read, grasped and applied, could have a profound effect." ( Wall Street Journal ) "A fascinating, provocative, and important book." (Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Godel, Escher, Bach )
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以前寫的一篇文章,聊作書評瞭 —————————— 最近《赤壁》熱映,繼易中天教授之後給三國曆史又燒上一把火。我今天想談談三國之中最被神話的一個人物——關羽。是的,最大的神話不是多智近妖的諸葛亮,而是我們的武聖關二哥。在正史《三國誌》中功績平平(實在是一介武...
評分什麼樣的閤作策略是最優策略?是最善良的策略,以德抱怨?還是最聰明的策略,機關算盡?或者乾脆拒絕閤作,永遠的背叛? 計算機模擬的實驗結果的勝齣策略確是“一報還一報”,也就是所謂的人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必犯人,在嘗試瞭各種各樣復雜聰明的策略後,計算機模...
評分本書中遇到的程序都是獨立的,你對這個程序的做法不會影響另一個程序對你的反應。一報還一報很容易實現。 但是,假設一下下麵的情景: A是個惡棍。B,C, D是好人。A和他們關係很好。 A曾經害過我,BCD曾經幫過我。 我如果要找A復仇,就會傷害B,C, D,讓B,C, D也找我復仇...
評分鄧輝老師推薦的書。用極有說服力的論證說明瞭一個似乎顯而易見但極難理據服的觀點:閤作一定會帶來雙贏。有幾點信息需要具體列齣: 1.長期來看,不存在獨立於他人所采用的策略的最好策略。說白瞭就是不存在那種不管彆人怎麼做都能確保自己受益最大的必勝策略。所有的決定都會受...
圖書標籤: 心理學 博弈論 社會學 進化心理學 英文原版 科普 管理 政治學
評分a must-read
評分being nice, retaliatory, forgiving, and clear
評分Reading List裏少有的讀得頗為歡樂的書
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