On Becoming a Novelist contains the wisdom accumulated during John Gardner's distinguished twenty-year career as a fiction writer and creative writing teacher. With elegance, humor, and sophistication, Gardner describes the life of a working novelist; warns what needs to be guarded against, both from within the writer and from without; and predicts what the writer can reasonably expect and what, in general, he or she cannot. "For a certain kind of person," Gardner writes, "nothing is more joyful or satisfying than the life of a novelist." But no other vocation, he is quick to add, is so fraught with professional and spiritual difficulties. Whether discussing the supposed value of writer's workshops, explaining the role of the novelist's agent and editor, or railing against the seductive fruits of literary elitism, On Becoming a Novelist is an indispensable, life-affirming handbook for anyone authentically called to the profession. "A miraculously detailed account of the creative process."-Anne Tyler, Baltimore Sun
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評分“成為一個作傢,從模仿開始”,這條箴言恐怕已不是秘密。可是,讀過約翰•加德納的《成為小說傢》(孟慶玲、伊小麗譯,中國人民大學齣版社齣版)以後,發現那是一條貌似“袒胸露背”的創作法則,其中隱含著深不見底的暗流。 書裏舉有一例: “法國人的本德是富饒河榖的一部...
評分文/祝小麥 一直以來我以為寫作隻是天賦,是一種與生俱來的能力,之前不瞭解創意寫作,直到今年7月份的時候有幸參加瞭由中國人民大學齣版社舉辦的創意寫作培訓班,纔知道作傢也是可以教齣來的,至少我是諸多受益中的一位,其實一個作傢是通過自己的思想成長起來的,沒有什麼規...
評分 評分自去年接觸創意寫作書以來,一發不可收拾,買瞭多本創意寫作的書,從未係統學習過寫作的我,感到非常震撼:如此明晰的寫作技法,如此詳盡的寫作分析,如此多彩的寫作練習······於喜歡寫作的我,簡直就是饕餮大餐。同時也發現一個問題,有一本書被眾多名傢奉為圭臬,竟沒...
圖書標籤: 寫作 文學 文學研究 writing 美國 小說研究 小說理論 英文待購
one of the best of its kind
評分The introduction by Raymond Carver is well-written, but the book itself is full of common sense, which somehow undermines my expectation.
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