Identity, Erikson writes, is an unfathomable as it is all-pervasive. It deals with a process that is located both in the core of the individual and in the core of the communal culture. As the culture changes, new kinds of identity questions arise Erikson comments, for example, on issues of social protest and changing gender roles that were particular to the 1960s. Representing two decades of groundbreaking work, the essays are not so much a systematic formulation of theory as an evolving report that is both clinical and theoretical. The subjects range from "creative confusion" in two famous lives the dramatist George Bernard Shaw and the philosopher William James to the connection between individual struggles and social order. "Race and the Wider Identity" and the controversial "Womanhood and the Inner Space" are included in the collection.
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評分 評分可以說,這個關鍵詞的翻譯就很有問題。 Erik Erikson, the psychologist who coined the term identity crisis, believes that the identity crisis is the most important conflict human beings encounter when they go through eight developmental stages in life. Descrip...
評分就我個人的理解來說,同一性指的是個人感到過去的經驗、成就,現在所具有的品質和能力,以及將來成為什麼樣的人的連續性和統一感。 CCK試圖證明探索同一性的方式是沒有差彆的,就是說老外從中學開始做各種兼職,上各種課和中國人進入大學甚至開始工作纔逐漸探索自己的同一性,...
評分藉用埃裏剋·埃裏剋森的一個詞匯形容,弗洛伊德在20到30歲這段時期,錶現瞭典型的“社會心理延緩期”(psychosocial moratorium)。 他一直嘗試著不同的生活角色和生活方式,試圖找齣自己最有可能取得成功的方嚮。但是那時弗洛伊德已經預感到,前沿的科學研究工作將伴隨他一生...
圖書標籤: 心理學 Sociology E.Erikson 精神分析 Psycho Erikson 認同政治 身份認同
Erikson is a great psychologist, but this book gives me headache coz I'm reading it for academic purpose...otherwise I think I'd enjoy it.:P
評分I've measured my life with sunflower seeds...
評分好奇identity最源頭的指嚮,所以讀瞭這本。果然隔行如隔山……實在太難瞭QAQ 不過很有趣的是,後來語言人類學、社會語言學在研究identity時采取的都是相當宏觀的概念,這一本裏雖然對象是identity發展過程中齣現問題的人“群”,但感覺還是很重個人經曆、傢庭信任感、童年/性彆以及重大曆史變故對個人的影響的。病例分析讀起來非常幽深。而identity的概念後來怎麼變遷到瞭更加廣闊靜態的視野,還是挺想繼續挖掘下去看看的。而且現在動態性越來越受到重視,這種變容也很讓人期待。
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