巴巴拉·W·塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman,1912—1989),美国著名历史学家、作家,1963年和1972年凭《八月炮火》与《史迪威与美国在中国的经验,1911—1945》两度获得普利策奖。她偏爱以文学的方式书写历史,她的文字充满戏剧性和画面感,在充分 发掘史料的前提下伴随着意味深长的议论和反思。其作品深受大众读者和费正清等历史学家的推崇。
The Proud Tower 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分就像给历史切了一个横截面,一个在我之前的阅读中很少涉及的截面。那时候的中国正值洋务后期,又历甲午之败,又经戊戌之痛,又经年,改朝换代,军阀混战。 那个时代的国外,或让人无心顾及,或只是只言片语。帝国主义的产生,社会主义的勃兴的背景实在过于潦草。很多而后事情似...
评分这是我看过的最文对题的书了。 看完之后整理的时候,仔细想一想这本书到底讲了什么,却发现副标题完全可以一言以蔽之,其实讲的就是“战前世界的肖像,1890-1914”。 肖像这个词用的特好,这书从头到尾,就是许多人的浮光掠影,他们来自不同的阶级,向往着不同的未来,用完全不...
评分巴巴菈‧W‧塔奇曼,應該不用太過介紹,幾年前,她的名著《八月砲火》譯成中文後,應該讓許多軍迷趨之若鶩,筆者也是其中一位。不過說來慚愧,筆者就只愛她對於戰前各國的描述,整本書反覆讀了兩三回,都在開戰後的篇章就停下來了。可能是前面的篇章真的寫的太棒了吧。 塔...
图书标签: 英文原版 历史 一战 社会史 欧洲 世界史 history Tuchman_Barbara
The diplomatic origins, so-called, of the War are only the fever chart of the patient; they do not tell us what caused the fever. To probe for underlying causes and deeper forces one must operate within the framework of a whole society and try to discover what moved the people in it.
--Barbara W. Tuchman
The fateful quarter-century leading up to the World War I was a time when the world of Privilege still existed in Olympian luxury and the world of Protest was heaving in its pain, its power, and its hate. The age was the climax of a century of the most accelerated rate of change in history, a cataclysmic shaping of destiny.
In The Proud Tower, Barbara Tuchman concentrates on society rather than the state. With an artist's selectivity, Tuchman bings to vivid life the people, places, and events that shaped the years leading up to the Great War: the Edwardian aristocracy and the end of their reign; the Anarchists of Europe and America, who voiced the protest of the oppressed; Germany, as portrayed through the figure of the self-depicted Hero, Richard Strauss; the sudden gorgeous blaze of Diaghilev's Russian Ballet and Stravinsky's music; the Dreyfus Affair; the two Peace Conferences at the Hague; and, finally, the youth, ideals, enthusiasm, and tragedy of Socialism, epitomized in the moment when the heroic Jean Jaurès was shot to death on the night the War began and an epoch ended.
"Tuchman [was] a distinguished historian who [wrote] her books with a rare combination of impeccable scholarship and literary polish. . . . It would be impossible to read The Proud Tower without pleasure and admiration."
--The New York Times
"Tuchman proved in The Guns of August that she could write better military history than most men. In this sequel, she tells her story with cool wit and warm understanding, eschewing both the sweeping generalizations of a Toynbee and the minute-by-minute simplicisms of a Walter Lord."
昨日的世界。For the price it had paid, humanity’s major gain was a painful view of its own limitations.
评分“With emotion, to the man I used to be.”
评分昨日的世界。For the price it had paid, humanity’s major gain was a painful view of its own limitations.
评分“With emotion, to the man I used to be.”
The Proud Tower 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书