Benedict Anderson was Aaron L. Binenkorp Professor of International Studies Emeritus at Cornell University. He was editor of the journal Indonesia and author of Java in a Time of Revolution, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World and Imagined Communities.
Imagined Communities 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分原作者:彭晓芸 原题:《当插科打诨遭遇民族主义》 发表在 (节选) 这里不能不提起由台湾学者吴叡人翻译的班纳迪克·安德森(Benedict Anderson)经典著作——《想象的共同体》,这本被翻译成三十几种语言的著作...
评分关于这方面的内容其实可以参见本尼迪克特·安德森《想象的共同体》,也可以参阅叶普·列尔森的《欧洲民族思想变迁:一部文化史》或者其他学人的著作。由于我现在住院,手头资料匮乏,因此以下叙述基本以安(liu)德(zhong)森(jing)为主。 中世纪以后拉丁文的衰落与宗教革...
评分1。内容。正如副标题所言:"民族主义的起源与散布"作者试图阐释民族之来源。这本书一出之后影响很大,并引起大量跟贴,有顶的有灭的,估计想摆沙发的也不少,作者顺便建立大批粉丝群体。。。可惜早出了几年,倘若换作互联网时代,可以实时观战,那阵势该是怎样的酣畅淋漓。 ...
图书标签: Nationalism 社会学 民族主义 政治学 文化研究 Anderson_Benedict 政治 Cultural_Studies
The definitive, bestselling book on the origins and development of nationalism.
Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson's brilliant book on nationalism, forged a new field of study when it first appeared in 1983. Since then it has sold over a quarter of a million copies and is widely considered the most important book on the subject. In this greatly anticipated revised edition, Anderson updates and elaborates on the core question: what makes people live, die and kill in the name of nations? He shows how an originary nationalism born in the Americas was adopted by popular movements in Europe, by imperialist powers, and by the anti-imperialist resistances in Asia and Africa, and explores the way communities were created by the growth of the nation-state, the interaction between capitalism and printing, and the birth of vernacular languages-of-state. Anderson revisits these fundamental ideas, showing how their relevance has been tested by the events of the past two decades.
评分polemical; 被捧得太高了吧。。
评分Excellent masterpiece on how the imagined communities help to shape the nationalism and national building in reality. It is a surprise that the Chinese version delete the Ninth Chapter with Water Benjamin's classic statement about "modernity". Reread, rethink, and reinterpret.
Imagined Communities 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书