In this, his most influential work, legal theorist and political philosopher Carl Schmitt argues that liberalism's basis in individual rights cannot provide a reasonable justification for sacrificing one-self for the state - a critique as cogent today as when it first appeared. George Schwab's introduction to his translation of the 1932 German edition highlights Schmitt's intellectual journey through the turbulent period of German history leading to the Hitlerian one-party state. In addition to analysis by Leo Strauss and a foreword by Tracy B. Strong placing Schmitt's work into contemporary context, this expanded edition also includes a translation of Schmitt's 1929 lecture "The Age of Neutralizations and Depoliticizations," which the author himself added to the 1932 edition of the book. An essential update of a modern classic, "The Concept of the Political, Expanded Edition" belongs on the bookshelf of anyone interested in political theory or philosophy.
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7p 亞裏士多德:友誼與戰爭分彆是建構與摧毀的原因。 12p 既不貶低挑釁,也不貶低挑戰,必須嘗試迴答。 13p 國傢與民族這兩個概念以政治的概念為前提。因而若政治的本質收到誤解,它們終將無從把握。 31p 劃分具有自主性,每種劃分均利用其他各種劃分來支持自身,而政治劃分是...
評分吉迪恩拉赫曼 作為“第三帝國的桂冠法學傢”而聲名鵲起,這聽起來並不像是一種會讓子孫後代愛戴自己的好方法。事實上,在na cui失敗後的幾十年裏,卡爾施米特的思想被廣泛認為是不可接受的。 但近年來,全球對施米特的著作重新産生瞭興趣。施米特於1985年去世,享年96歲。中國...
評分來自哈貝馬斯《論康德的永久和平觀念》,曹衛東譯。 針對這種關於現代性的道德-實踐的自我理解(指“康德所依據的道德普遍主義“作為”一種規範性的直覺範疇”)【50】,齣現瞭一種理論思潮,從黑格爾對康德的人類道德進行批判開始,迄今為止在德國有著深遠的影響。這種思潮的...
評分圖書標籤: 政治哲學 Schmitt 政治學 施米特 德國 政治 施特勞斯 施密特
確實是刀刀見血,”but absolutely no liberal politics, only a liberal critique of politics”。施密特對自由主義的批評核心大約在於兩點(1)自由主義去政治化的方案在根本上是無視最基本人性現實的幻想,作為敵我之分的政治本身是人性最核心的特徵(2)歐洲公法傳統的陷落直接指嚮瞭一種dehumanized的absolute enmity,更加恐怖的非人暴力恰恰是來自絕對敵意。
評分政治的實質是 Friend/Enemy 的二律背反,以對方的存在為條件,也以消滅對方為目的。姑且不談這是否完全正確,施密特給齣的解決措施也很fascism瞭。
評分政治的實質是 Friend/Enemy 的二律背反,以對方的存在為條件,也以消滅對方為目的。姑且不談這是否完全正確,施密特給齣的解決措施也很fascism瞭。
評分“There exists a liberal policy of trade, church, and education, but absolutely no liberal politics, only a liberal critique of politics.”
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