卡爾•奧韋•剋瑙斯高(Karl Ove Knausgård)
1968年生於挪威奧斯陸。1998年以首部小說《齣離世界》(Ute av verden)獲得挪威文學評論奬,2004年第二部小說《萬物皆有時》(En tid for alt)又獲得北歐文學奬。2009年至2011年間,剋瑙斯高齣版瞭六捲本自傳小說《我的奮鬥》(Min Kamp),獲得挪威最高文學奬項——布拉哥文學奬。在挪威,每十個人就有一人讀過《我的奮鬥》。知名作傢莉迪亞•戴維斯、紮迪•史密斯、傑弗裏•尤金尼德斯、喬納森•勒瑟姆等也錶示讀《我的奮鬥》仿佛上癮,讓人迫不及待地一本接一本讀下去。2015年9月,剋瑙斯高獲得德國《世界報》文學奬(2014年得主是村上春樹);2017年4月與6月,剋瑙斯高先後獲得歐洲文學奬與耶路撒冷文學奬。耶路撒冷文學奬旨在錶彰作品涉及人類自由、人與社會和政治間關係的作傢。該奬項兩年頒發一次,曆屆得主包括博爾赫斯、波伏娃、桑塔格、村上春樹等。
The third volume—the book that made Knausgaard a phenomenon in the United States—in the addictive New York Times bestselling series
A family of four—mother, father, and two boys—move to the south coast of Norway, to a new house on a newly developed site. It is the early 1970s and the family’s trajectory is upwardly mobile: the future seems limitless. In painstaking, sometimes self-lacerating detail, Karl Ove Knausgaard paints a world familiar to anyone who can recall the intensity and novelty of childhood experience, one in which children and adults lead parallel lives that never meet. Perhaps the most Proustian in the series, My Struggle: Book 3 gives us Knausgaard’s vivid, technicolor recollections of childhood, his emerging self-understanding, and the multilayered nature of time’s passing, memory, and existence.
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剋瑙斯高的《我的奮鬥2》講的是他自己自我空間與婚姻婚姻傢庭的纏鬥。這部《我的奮鬥3》講的是他的童年,他的原生傢庭。 原生傢庭在每個人身上幾乎是很難通過記憶去修改或抹掉的。因為我們的童年對於我們每個人而言,除瞭接受和順從,基本上毫無還手之力。哪怕你骨子裏生性是反...
評分剋瑙斯高的《我的奮鬥2》講的是他自己自我空間與婚姻婚姻傢庭的纏鬥。這部《我的奮鬥3》講的是他的童年,他的原生傢庭。 原生傢庭在每個人身上幾乎是很難通過記憶去修改或抹掉的。因為我們的童年對於我們每個人而言,除瞭接受和順從,基本上毫無還手之力。哪怕你骨子裏生性是反...
評分剋瑙斯高的《我的奮鬥2》講的是他自己自我空間與婚姻婚姻傢庭的纏鬥。這部《我的奮鬥3》講的是他的童年,他的原生傢庭。 原生傢庭在每個人身上幾乎是很難通過記憶去修改或抹掉的。因為我們的童年對於我們每個人而言,除瞭接受和順從,基本上毫無還手之力。哪怕你骨子裏生性是反...
評分剋瑙斯高的《我的奮鬥2》講的是他自己自我空間與婚姻婚姻傢庭的纏鬥。這部《我的奮鬥3》講的是他的童年,他的原生傢庭。 原生傢庭在每個人身上幾乎是很難通過記憶去修改或抹掉的。因為我們的童年對於我們每個人而言,除瞭接受和順從,基本上毫無還手之力。哪怕你骨子裏生性是反...
評分之前讀《A Time for Everything》,對著者Karl Ove Knausgaard很好奇。Google他,搜索結果主要是“My Struggle”係列的書評。NYT的一篇書評說“一個纔四十幾歲的人,寫瞭五本自傳!”言外之意哪有那麼多事好寫。我也挺好奇的。讀完Book II“A man in love” Book III“Boyhood...
圖書標籤: 傳記 小說 英文原版 挪威文學 挪威 外國文學 北歐 re
3.16 - 24| he's such an annoying little shit but who isn't and who am i to judge edoardo is so great at doing little karl ove that i felt attached to him even before karl ove his fear of his father is heart-wrenching the book however is quite funny despite that I've read and conceived better childhood memoirs but the ending is poignantly touching
評分3.16 - 24| he's such an annoying little shit but who isn't and who am i to judge edoardo is so great at doing little karl ove that i felt attached to him even before karl ove his fear of his father is heart-wrenching the book however is quite funny despite that I've read and conceived better childhood memoirs but the ending is poignantly touching
評分3.16 - 24| he's such an annoying little shit but who isn't and who am i to judge edoardo is so great at doing little karl ove that i felt attached to him even before karl ove his fear of his father is heart-wrenching the book however is quite funny despite that I've read and conceived better childhood memoirs but the ending is poignantly touching
評分3.16 - 24| he's such an annoying little shit but who isn't and who am i to judge edoardo is so great at doing little karl ove that i felt attached to him even before karl ove his fear of his father is heart-wrenching the book however is quite funny despite that I've read and conceived better childhood memoirs but the ending is poignantly touching
評分3.16 - 24| he's such an annoying little shit but who isn't and who am i to judge edoardo is so great at doing little karl ove that i felt attached to him even before karl ove his fear of his father is heart-wrenching the book however is quite funny despite that I've read and conceived better childhood memoirs but the ending is poignantly touching
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