Dr. Tiffany Watt Smith is a research fellow at the QMUL Centre for the History of the Emotions, and was also a 2014 BBC New Generation Thinker. Before choosing to pursue a path in academic research and writing, Dr. Watt Smith worked as a theater director for seven years, including stints as Associate director at the Arcola Theatre and International Associate Director at the Royal Court. She lives in London.
The Book of Human Emotions 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一直偏爱以词典面目出现的各类型书籍,因为在一个一个词的讲解之间,作者编织出一种玄妙的立体的网际关系,最终呈现给读者的是一个精彩的无懈可击的整体,比如《马桥词典》,再比如这本《心情词典》。 心情所指代的情绪是一种很奇特也很难形容的生理反应,它左右...
评分总体讲什么? 1. 讲了150种情绪。 2. 如何进行情绪管理? 复述知识 1. 情绪管理的三个步骤:第一步,察觉情绪,承认情绪,接纳情绪。第二步,探究情绪,分析情绪从哪儿来的。第三步,表达情绪,解压、释放情绪。 2. 人有情绪的时候往往是多种情绪混合在一起,所以要一一识别...
评分最近一段时间在学习心理学,在这过程中发现情绪对人的影响也是至关重要的!而本书则对人们的情绪进行了分类,并做出了相应的讲解,在极大程度上帮助我了解自己!!!!!!!!! 本书不仅讲解了情绪对人的影响,还有具体的出处以及在漫长的时间里,人们对这种情绪的认知变化!...
评分01 你会不会经常遇见一种情况,当自己处于一种状态的时候,却无法表达这种状态。 比如:和相爱的人短暂分别,离别之后的那种感觉什么样的呢? 思念?悲伤?还是忧愁?也许都不是,因为我们经常会拿捏不准自己的情绪和内心世界。那些词语是否真的是我们的真实感受?是否和我...
图书标签: 心理学 emotion 英文原版 情绪 英语 科普 心理 psychology
A thoughtful, "gleeful "encyclopedia of emotions, both broad and outrageously specific, from throughout history and around the world.
How do you feel today? Is your heart fluttering in anticipation? Your stomach tight with nerves? Are you falling in love? Feeling a bit miffed? Do you have the heebie-jeebies? Are you antsy with iktsuarpok or filled with nakhes?
Recent research suggests there are only six basic emotions. But if that makes you feel uneasy, suspicious, and maybe even a little bereft, THE BOOK OF HUMAN EMOTIONS is for you. In this unique book, you'll get to travel across the world and through time, learning how different cultures have articulated the human experience and picking up some fascinating new knowledge about yourself along the way.
From the familiar (anger) to the foreign (zal), each entertaining and informative alphabetical entry reveals the surprising connections and fascinating facts behind our emotional lives. Whether you're in search of the perfect word to sum up that cozy feeling you get from being inside on a cold winter's night, surrounded by friends and good food (what the Dutch call gezelligheid), or wondering how nostalgia evolved from a fatal illness to enjoyable self-indulgence, Tiffany Watt Smith draws on history, anthropology, science, art, literature, music, and popular culture to find the answers.
In reading THE BOOK OF HUMAN EMOTIONS, you'll discover feelings you never knew you had (like basorexia, the sudden urge to kiss someone) and gain unexpected insights into why you feel the way you do. Besides, aren't you curious what nginyiwarrarringu means?
The Book of Human Emotions 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书