ANDY PUDDICOMBE is currently the only Clinical Meditation Consultant in the United Kingdom with Medical Advisory Committee clearance for private practice. As a former Buddhist monk, he has trained extensively in meditation all over the world for more than 15 years and has been acknowledged as one of the UK’s foremost mindfulness experts. He is the author of three Headscape Guides (The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness; The Headspace Diet; The Headspace Guide to a Mindful Pregnancy) which are now available in 25 countries and 10 languages, and has been featured widely including in Vogue, the New York Times, Financial Times, Entrepreneur, Men’s Health, and Esquire. He also makes regular appearances on TV and online, having been featured on BBC, Netflix and TED. Andy currently lives in Venice, California with his wife and son.
The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
最早认真开始考虑冥想源于 Ray Dalio 在微博上的推荐,当时我询问他有没有什么书籍推荐,结果他推荐的《Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation》与其说是一本冥想教程,不如说是一本宣传手册,我甚至在 Goodreads 上将其标注为 Boring。 不过这段交流...
评分这本书不是一本冥想的入门的好读物。它的可取之处是,用了许多形象的比喻来说明冥想是什么感觉,练习冥想又是什么感觉。 比如,它将驯服混乱跳跃的思维为驯服野马。一开始并不能使劲拽它,既是野马,必定要给它一定的活动范围和缓冲,然后再去使它安静下来。 冥想,中西结合...
评分虽然我对富豪或商人喜爱给书籍写推荐语、做别人的人生导师有些意见,因为人们是追着他们的成功之名而去的,而这些经验又没有太多的借鉴意义。 但看了比尔·盖茨的2018年他最爱书单中,也确实有不少可读之处。 在这五本书中,Educated,Army of None和Bad Blood我没什么兴趣,《...
评分 评分接触冥想已经几个月了,每当我问身边的朋友,身边的朋友问我:“冥想到底是什么时”,大家都没有一个很好的回答。 冥想已经存在了数千年之久,它并不应该是一样无法用语言来形容的一种行为,相反,它一定具备其强大生命力,才能流传这么久。 这篇文章的意义在于,我对冥想意...
图书标签: 冥想 盖茨推荐 正念 英文原版 mindfulness meditation 成长 灵修
Quiet the mind, feel less stressed, less tired, and achieve a new level of calm and fulfillment in just ten minutes a day
Andy Puddicombe, a former Buddhist monk, the Voice of Headspace, and the UK’s foremost mindfulness expert, is on a mission: to get people to take 10 minutes out of their day to sit in the here and now.
Like his readers and students, Andy began his own meditation practice as a normal, busy person with everyday concerns, and he has since designed a program of mindfulness and guided meditation that fits neatly into a jam-packed daily routine―proving that just 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference.
Accessible and portable, The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness offers simple but powerful meditation techniques that positively impact every area of physical and mental health: from productivity and focus, to stress and anxiety relief, sleep, weight-loss, personal relationships...the benefits are limitless. The result? More headspace, less stress. Andy brings this ancient practice into the modern world, tailor made for the most time starved among us.
Switch off after work * Fall asleep at night * Feel less anxious, sad, or angry * Control your cravings * Find a healthy weight
有点 Headspace 的导购书的感觉。不过长期的冥想,确实能改变精神状态,(特别是改善注意力涣散、降低精神压力和焦虑),同时也会逐步的改变大脑内部的结构,进而进一步影响思维和智力。最初的锻炼还是要:注重身体对周遭物理的感知,并集中注意力到自己身体上,或者专注于一条思绪,避免干扰。重点还是在于持之以恒,大脑和精神才能有本质的变化。
评分Very useful intro to meditation and mindfulness.It felt like shining a light to my mind and suddenly solved things troubled me recently.Meditation has been scientifically confirmed beneficial to human beings mentally and physically ,it’s our responsibility to take good care of life skillfully!
评分1.内观,可以更好的和自己相处,可以和生活中的各种问题更好的相处 2.讲了很多可操作的练习 3.生活中各个环节,从吃饭到走路都可以冥想。解答了app中不同类型冥想的作用
评分1.内观,可以更好的和自己相处,可以和生活中的各种问题更好的相处 2.讲了很多可操作的练习 3.生活中各个环节,从吃饭到走路都可以冥想。解答了app中不同类型冥想的作用
评分有点 Headspace 的导购书的感觉。不过长期的冥想,确实能改变精神状态,(特别是改善注意力涣散、降低精神压力和焦虑),同时也会逐步的改变大脑内部的结构,进而进一步影响思维和智力。最初的锻炼还是要:注重身体对周遭物理的感知,并集中注意力到自己身体上,或者专注于一条思绪,避免干扰。重点还是在于持之以恒,大脑和精神才能有本质的变化。
The Headspace Guide to Meditation and Mindfulness 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书