Anthony Giddens is the former director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, and is now a member of the House of Lords. His many books include Turbulent and Mighty Continent, The Third Way and The Consequences of Modernity.
Philip W. Sutton is an independent researcher, formerly of the University of Leeds and Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
Now in its eighth edition, this continues to be the indispensable guide to understanding the world we make and the lives we lead. Revised and updated throughout, it remains unrivalled in its vibrant, engaging and authoritative introduction to sociology. The authors provide a commanding overview of recent global developments and new ideas in sociology. Classic debates are also given careful coverage, with even the most complex ideas explained in an engaging way. Written in a fluent, easy–to–follow style, the book manages to be intellectually rigorous but still very accessible. With a strong focus on interactive pedagogy, it aims to engage and excite readers, helping them to see the enduring value of thinking sociologically. The eighth edition includes: a solid foundation in the basics of sociology: its purpose, methodology and theories; up–to–the–minute overviews of key topics in social life, from gender, personal life and poverty, to globalization, the media and politics; stimulating examples of what sociology has to say about key issues in our contemporary world, such as growing inequality, climate change and the rise of terrorism; a strong focus on global sociology and the ways that digital technologies are radically transforming our world; quality pedagogical features, such as ‘Classic Studies’ and ‘Global Society’ boxes, and ‘Thinking Critically’ reflection points, as well as end–of–chapter activities inviting readers to engage with popular culture and original research articles to gather sociological insights. The eighth edition sets the standard for introductory sociology. Complete with extensive supporting resources at , it is the ideal teaching text for first–year university and college courses, and will help to inspire a new generation of sociologists.
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現在已經進入知識經濟時代 在知識經濟時代,多數人們並不從事物品的生産加工、流通,而是負責它們的設計、開發、技術、營銷、銷售和服務 將來社會或許個體可以從事兩三項工作,而不是一項,可以在工作之餘做一些其他事情。比如兼職作傢、程序員、設計師等 擁有多技能人纔會比較...
評分這真是“一本”(分上下冊)巨著,厚達1100頁,寫瞭160萬字,看得我好纍啊!不過,終於看完瞭,對當代社會有瞭更加全麵的認識。 “功能主義認為社會是一個復雜係統,它的各個組成部分協同工作産生瞭穩定,社會學應該研究它們的關係。……一個社會的不同部分的發展總是和彆的部...
評分社會學有必要掌握 卻不需要刻意學 除非是專門搞學術的 學而不思則罔 看這類純學術的書更多的是要從中産生自己的思考 總體編的還很不錯 我買的第一本非課業磚頭書 先是可以挑一些感興趣的章節讀讀
評分哈哈( ¯ᒡ̱¯ )و 寫得太好瞭,韆萬彆看國産教材! 寫得太好瞭,韆萬彆看國産教材! 寫得太好瞭,韆萬彆看國産教材! 寫得太好瞭,韆萬彆看國産教材! 寫得太好瞭,韆萬彆看國産教材! 寫得太好瞭,韆萬彆看國産教材! 尤其是文科書,國産教材就是垃圾! 尤其是文...
評分單元模塊,雖然是很厚的一本書, 仍然易於閱讀; 介紹多方麵的觀點. 社會調查的例子, 多以英國的資料. 很多中國的問題沒辦法涉及, 比如農民工, 農村, 國有企業的下崗(失業?)等社會問題.
圖書標籤: 社會學 教材 英文原版 社會 吉登斯 英國 概論 入門
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