John Lewis Gaddis is the Robert A. Lovett Professor of History at Yale University, and was the founding director of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy. His previous books include The United States and the Origins of the Cold War; Strategies of Containment; The Long Peace; We Now Know; The Landscape of History; Surprise, Security, and the American Experience; and The Cold War: A New History. Professor Gaddis teaches courses on Cold War history, grand strategy, biography, and historical methodology. He has won two undergraduate teaching awards at Yale and was a 2005 recipient of the National Humanities Medal. His George F. Kennan: An American Life, won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize in Biography.
John Lewis Gaddis, the distinguished historian of the Cold War, has for almost two decades co-taught grand strategy at Yale University with his colleagues Charles Hill and Paul Kennedy. Now, in On Grand Strategy, Gaddis reflects on what he has learned. In chapters extending from the ancient world through World War II, Gaddis assesses grand strategic theory and practice in Herodotus, Thucydides, Sun Tzu, Octavian/Augustus, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Elizabeth I, Philip II, the American Founding Fathers, Clausewitz, Tolstoy, Lincoln, Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Isaiah Berlin. On Grand Strategy applies the sharp insights and wit readers have come to expect from Gaddis to times, places, and people he’s never written about before. For anyone interested in the art of leadership, On Grand Strategy is, in every way, a master class.
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格局很大,視野開闊,不是曆史知識的堆砌,作為曆史專業的學生,我自嘆自己的曆史知識和素養不夠,視野太窄。本書我也隻是速讀瞭一遍,後麵還會再看。摘錄其中一段話 在本書中,積極自由所指便是試圖驅策狐狸的刺蝟:晚年的伯裏剋利、尤利烏斯·愷撒、奧古斯丁、腓力二世、喬治...
評分 評分 評分格局很大,視野開闊,不是曆史知識的堆砌,作為曆史專業的學生,我自嘆自己的曆史知識和素養不夠,視野太窄。本書我也隻是速讀瞭一遍,後麵還會再看。摘錄其中一段話 在本書中,積極自由所指便是試圖驅策狐狸的刺蝟:晚年的伯裏剋利、尤利烏斯·愷撒、奧古斯丁、腓力二世、喬治...
圖書標籤: 戰略 曆史 美國 王爍薦 思維 大戰略 社科曆史 英文原版
評分大師的作品,從另一個角度 解說戰略
評分加迪斯近距離觀察美國大戰略製定,讀透古今大戰略的成敗,嚮年輕人傳授大戰略並相互辯駁激發的思維練習。 狹義的大戰略服務於國傢,廣義的大戰略則服務於每個人。窮則獨善吾身,達則兼濟天下,就是一種人生大戰略。 人生大戰略就是你怎麼協調必然是有限的能力與有可能是無限的抱負?有意識也好無意識也好,你一定是製定並運用自己的人生大戰略,運用你的能力、資源來實現你所認為的人生價值。 問題很簡單,做起來卻很難。就像剋勞塞維茨在《戰爭論》裏所說,戰爭裏的所有事都很簡單,但簡單的東西最難。人生也一樣。
評分大師的作品,從另一個角度 解說戰略
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