Max Weber (1864-1920), the German sociologist and historian, significantly influenced the development of modern social science through his attempts to develop a systematic methodology for cross-cultural studies. He also published comparative studies of authority and domination and emphasized the importance of bureaucracy in modern Western societies.
n The Protestant Ethic, Max Weber opposes the Marxist concept of dialectical materialism and relates the rise of the capitalist economy to the Calvinist belief in the moral value of hard work and the fulfillment of one's worldly duties. Based on the original 1905 edition, this volume includes, along with Weber's treatise, an illuminating introduction, a wealth of explanatory notes, and exemplary responses and remarks-both from Weber and his critics-sparked by publication of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
This is the first English translation of the 1905 German text and the first volume to include Weber's unexpurgated responses to his critics, which reveal important developments in and clarifications of Weber's argument.
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評分針對版本:《新教倫理與資本主義精神》,廣西師範大學齣版社,2010年9月第1版,2013年12月第4次印刷。 在與英文譯本比照閱讀中,於部分提齣修改意見。僅為個人見解和理解,不足之處還望海涵,求指教。 P10•L1 “不止是在信仰宗派之彆與國籍之彆相一緻之處、也就是與文化發展...
評分1 韋伯在《新教倫理和資本主義精神》裏主要講的還是一個觀念和精神氣質問題。資本主義作為一個十分重大的曆史事件為何産生?韋伯從新教倫理影響的角度作瞭抽絲剝繭的剖析。 首先韋伯反對這樣的觀點——資本主義隻是利益驅動的,資本傢的發展充滿瞭剝削和勞動人民的血汗。這樣的...
圖書標籤: 社會學 Weber 馬剋斯·韋伯 哲學 宗教 capitalism 資本主義 Sociology
資本主義所要反對正是傳統主義,那種相信人們天生並不希望賺更多的錢,而隻需過他適宜的生活、賺足夠日常必需的錢的念頭(天然享受生活)。古往今來人便有著對金錢的貪婪和對賺錢的渴望,但資本主義讓市場、經濟、勞動、資本纍計不再作為滿足個人物質需求的工具,而變成瞭生活的終極目的意義,理性並係統地追求利益最大化,這種理性化亦體現在經濟體、企業公司、科技發展的分工上,以至於供給會創造對應的需求。那新教所倡導的禁欲恰恰無意中推動瞭資本主義的發展,世人但凡希望得到救贖便需要通過現世不斷勤懇的勞作來用盡自身的纔能、完成對上帝/世界的義務,同時不能享受懶惰浪費奢靡的生活,要儲存積蓄、在現世為整個社區做有益的事情(不再是來世)。這種對勞作精神、統一生活的呼籲,甚至為不平等做瞭僞證,這種功利主義促成瞭當今的中産階級 M
評分historical individual / unintended results of social actions / psychology of religion
評分again, why happiness is not the ultimate currency? acquisition as the aim, whereas desire as a variable
評分讀瞭一點intro, part1,跳著讀瞭part2 大概get到韋伯的核心論點(其實就是,新教倫理與資本主義精神;以及對曆史唯物主義的批判;Beruf的概念),見到熟悉的名詞(ideal type) 論證就不能說看懂瞭,隻是支離破碎get到一些點,大段神學論述實在是tedious,極其催眠看不下去,決定放棄去讀點更友好的東西,比如學校布置的閱讀材料瞭 啥時候變強瞭有緣再看8
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