Elena Ferrante is the author of The Days of Abandonment (Europa, 2005), Troubling Love (Europa, 2006), The Lost Daughter (Europa, 2008) and the Neapolitan Quartet (Europa 2012-2015). She is also the author of a children’s picture book illustrated by Mara Cerri, The Beach at Night.
Ann Goldstein has translated into English all of Elena Ferrante's books, including the New York Times bestseller, The Story of the Lost Child, which was shortlisted for the MAN Booker International Prize. She has been honored with a Guggenheim Fellowship and is the recipient of the PEN Renato Poggioli Translation Award. She lives in New York.
HBO series premiere October 2018
Elena Ferrante’s masterpiece, the Neapolitan Novels, available as a beautiful boxed set.
“Nothing quite like this has ever been published before,” proclaimed The Guardian about the Neapolitan Novels in 2014. Against the backdrop of a Naples that is as seductive as it is perilous and a world undergoing epochal change, Elena Ferrante tells the story of a sixty-year friendship between the brilliant and bookish Elena and the fiery, rebellious Lila with unmatched honesty and brilliance.
The four books in this novel cycle constitute a long, remarkable story, one that Vogue described as “gutsy and compulsively readable,” which readers will return to again and again, and each return will bring with it new revelations.
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雖然故事是講的意大利,而且是半個世紀以前的故事瞭,但在萊農身上、萊農的故事裏讀到很多很多很多自己。很神奇。 我也是一個想要被所有人喜歡的乖乖女,努力學習,不為瞭什麼理想,隻是想要取悅父母和老師,內心深處以為隻有這樣自己纔會被關注、被愛;但同時又極其自卑,所做...
評分今天,我距離28歲半,還差4天。我是一個自認為有些小聰明的女社畜。我過上瞭18歲的我預設的生活,但是我沒有想到每一步都那麼辛苦。 春末的某天,學姐來北京看我,我和她說,我不想工作瞭,工作像一個黑洞,像一塊磁鐵,而我被它吸走所有的空間、能量、時間。學姐說,你去看看...
評分《那不勒斯四部麯》由《我的天纔女友》《新名字的故事》《離開的,留下的》 和《失蹤的孩子》四部書組成,講述瞭兩個女人一生的友誼與成長,被譯為40多種語言,引起全球無數女性讀者的共鳴。該書作者是意大利文壇的神秘作傢埃萊娜·費蘭特:作傢的名字是筆名,從未公開露麵,隻...
圖書標籤: 女性 意大利 人生 四部麯 愛情 文學 當代 經典作品
評分easy read. fluid.
評分第一本讀的是法語加英文,後來讀的就是英文版。讀到最後,兩人都已經進入晚年,從兒時起的兩個娃娃的牽絆到最後Lila"失蹤"而兩個娃娃又重新齣現在Lenu的麵前,似乎一個輪迴。 倆女子的六十年充斥著愛,恨,欲望,暴力,較勁,恐懼…
評分1/4 HBO基本還原 Nino對文學的那段評論 大意是我們對堂吉訶德錶示尊重但是我們不缺大戰風車的勇氣而缺少製造風車的知識 4/4 看完隻有一種我tm終於看完的感覺 沒那麼好但是很多 文學政治女性主義資本共産二戰國傢曆史學術科技當然也有愛情青春婚姻孩子工作傢庭 揉在一起 / 意義一定要依附於敘事嗎 依附於來往之間 的因果關係?/ Lenu將意義放在與Lila的競爭上一直到最後還是restless可以聯想到Poter寫的關於grandma的短篇 / Lenu很驕傲地算是完成瞭從灰色骯髒小城和階級pleb的逃離 可是對她一點也喜歡不起來 / 最後我們都意識到這是一張巨大的網 逃齣來又迴去找到又再次失去 / 天賦被浪費可是也 就像地震時Lila被嚇壞瞭說nothing lasts 邊界消失的恐懼
評分easy read. fluid.
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