Virginia Woolf (1882—1941) English writer whose novels, through their nonlinear approaches to narrative, exerted a major influence on the genre. While she is best known for her novels, especially Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and To the Lighthouse (1927), Woolf also wrote pioneering essays on artistic theory, literary history, women's writing, and the politics of power. A fine stylist, she experimented with several forms of biographical writing, composed painterly short fictions, and sent to her friends and family a lifetime of brilliant letters.
弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫(1882—1941) 英國作傢。在小說領域,以其非綫性敘事手法産生瞭重大影響。伍爾夫以小說創作最為人知,其中尤以《黛洛維夫人》(1925)、《到燈塔去》(1927)兩篇為甚。小說創作之餘,她還就藝術理論、文學史、女性寫作、權力政治等主題提筆書寫,拓展文脈。作為一名優秀的文學批評傢,伍爾夫嘗試過多種形式的自傳體創作形式,以繪畫手法構思短篇虛構作品,並且,終其一生與親友往來通信,纔情卓然。
弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫(Virginia Woolf, 1882—1941)是20世紀著名的英國“意識流”小說傢。她的小說不注重情節,而著重以抒情散文的形式寫齣人物內心世界的活動、進行細緻的心理描寫。同時,她也是一位散文傢,善於用輕靈活潑的文筆寫齣她對於自己所喜愛的作傢和作品的印象。她這方麵的文章主要收入題為《普通讀者》和《普通讀者二集》兩書(The Common Reader, 1925; The Second Common Reader, 1932)。這些文章乃是一個具有高度文化修養和豐富創作經驗的女作傢,在創作之餘所寫的一批富有個人獨特風格的隨筆散文。本書選譯其中的十三篇。
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The Almighty will turn to Peter and will say, not without a certain envy when he sees us coming with our book under our arms,"Look, these need no reward, We have nothing to give them here. They have loves reading. "萬能的上帝看見我們胳肢窩裏夾著我們心愛的書...
評分The Almighty will turn to Peter and will say, not without a certain envy when he sees us coming with our book under our arms,"Look, these need no reward, We have nothing to give them here. They have loves reading. "萬能的上帝看見我們胳肢窩裏夾著我們心愛的書...
評分江陰日報 1941年3月28日,英國版圖上一條名不見經傳的小河——歐塞河,因為浸泡瞭一顆真正的讀書種子,而被世人永遠銘記!這一天,年近花甲的英國著名女作傢弗吉尼亞•伍爾夫,在給親愛的丈夫留下瞭一封簡短深情的遺書之後,在口袋裏塞滿瞭石頭,蹈水而亡。她在遺書中感謝丈...
評分江陰日報 1941年3月28日,英國版圖上一條名不見經傳的小河——歐塞河,因為浸泡瞭一顆真正的讀書種子,而被世人永遠銘記!這一天,年近花甲的英國著名女作傢弗吉尼亞•伍爾夫,在給親愛的丈夫留下瞭一封簡短深情的遺書之後,在口袋裏塞滿瞭石頭,蹈水而亡。她在遺書中感謝丈...
評分The Almighty will turn to Peter and will say, not without a certain envy when he sees us coming with our book under our arms,"Look, these need no reward, We have nothing to give them here. They have loves reading. "萬能的上帝看見我們胳肢窩裏夾著我們心愛的書...
圖書標籤: 弗吉尼亞.伍爾夫 散文 英國 VirginiaWoolf 伍爾夫 外國文學 英國文學 隨筆
非常精彩的一本書 很有見地 對於書 對於畫像 :)
評分突然又把這本書翻齣來重讀一遍。她死得時候在口袋裏放滿石頭沉入水底,一沉三韆米。Nor,indeed,would we.
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