羅伯特·布倫納 Robert Brunner,作為工業設計師,羅伯特·布倫納是高科技領域的標誌性人物。他曾為蘋果公司的首席設計師,蘋果工業設計部門的創立者。他在蘋果公司擔任工業設計主管時,他創立瞭工業設計小組 Industrial Design Group,開發瞭世 界上第一款平闆電腦蘋果Newton,以及奠定瞭如今筆記本電腦標準 PowerBook。同時,他還是 Mac 電腦,即 iMac 的前身的發明者。之後,他又設計瞭第一款 Kindle。
More and more companies are coming to understand the competitive advantage offered by outstanding design. With this, you can create products, services, and experiences that truly matter to your customers' lives and thereby drive powerful, sustainable improvements in business performance. But delivering great designs is not easy. Many companies accomplish it once, or twice; few do it consistently. The secret: building a truly design-driven business, in which design is central to everything you do. Do You Matter? shows how to do precisely that. Legendary industrial designer Robert Brunner (who laid the groundwork for Apple's brilliant design language) and Stewart Emery (Success Built to Last) begin by making an incontrovertible case for the power of design in making emotional connections, deepening relationships, and strengthening brands. You'll learn what it really means to be "design-driven" and how that translates into action at Nike, Apple, BMW and IKEA.You'll learn design-driven techniques for managing your entire experience chain; define effective design strategies and languages; and learn how to manage design from the top, encouraging "risky" design innovations that lead to entirely new markets. The authors show how (and how not) to use research; how to extend design values into marketing, manufacturing, and beyond; and how to keep building on your progress, truly "baking" design into all your processes and culture.
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評分文Shirleysays 如果你讀過《至關重要的設計》,有一點會令你記憶深刻,就是書中提瞭太多次喬布斯和他的傳奇蘋果。蘋果太成功瞭,以至於作者羅伯特.布倫納實在找不齣一個更好的例子來說明,關注客戶體驗是締造蘋果傳奇的關鍵,何況他還是蘋果前首席設計師,蘋果工業設計部門的...
評分原本以為是一本講圖文設計或者說是工業設計的書。作者頂著蘋果公司首席設計師的光環齣書,不免令人心之嚮往。再加上雷軍推薦(話說現在雷布斯真的是到處薦書),頓時感覺應該是一本高價值讀物。直到閱讀當下,纔感覺內容大半是空洞和套話,幾次想作罷,但還是硬著頭皮讀完瞭。 ...
評分設計是一個比較抽象化的概念,人們可以通過實際的各種設計作品來一窺其內涵,而無法通過語言來詳細定義。對於一個設計者來說,最高的榮耀莫過於所設計的産品能夠獲得使用者的喜愛和贊同,無論是什麼樣的設計産品,隻有使用者纔能擁有對這個産品的最高評價。 蘋果,作為一個設計...
圖書標籤: Design 設計 UX 界麵 藝術 方法論 公司戰略 UI
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