Bo Burlingham is editor at large at Inc. magazine. He has also written for Esquire, Harper’s, Mother Jones, and The Boston Globe, among other publications, and is the coauthor, with Jack Stack, of The Great Game of Business and A Stake in the Outcome.
Two of Inc. magazine’s hugely popular columnists show how small-business people can deal with all kinds of tricky situations.
People starting out in business tend to seek step-by-step formulas or specific rules, but in reality there are no magic bullets. Rather, says veteran entrepreneur Norm Brodsky, there’s a mentality that helps street-smart people solve problems and pursue opportunities as they arise. He calls it “the knack,” and it has made all the difference to the eight successful start-ups of his career.
Brodsky explores this mind-set every month in Inc. magazine, in the hugely popular column he co-writes with journalist and author Bo Burlingham (best known for his acclaimed book Small Giants). In both their column and now their book, they tell stories about real companies facing real challenges, and show readers how to apply “the knack” to their own businesses.
Brodsky and Burlingham offer essential advice such as:
• Follow the numbers—that’s the best way to spot problems before they become life threatening
• Keep focusing on your real goal--it’s amazingly easy to get sidetracked by secondary concerns
• Don’t get so close to the problem that you lose all perspective Brodsky and Burlingham prove that street smarts and business acumen can be within any entrepreneur’s reach.
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在豆瓣開瞭一個專欄,主要寫投資自我管理方麵,歡迎關注: 我的朋友剛剛創業一個多月,約我齣來讓我幫他分析分析,他覺得我是比較理性的人,所以想聽聽我的見解,看看哪些是他已經想過的,哪些是他還沒想到的。我聽瞭覺得想笑,其實他這...
評分在豆瓣開瞭一個專欄,主要寫投資自我管理方麵,歡迎關注: - 定價很重要,要綜閤考慮成本,使得最後有得賺,一般而言,毛利率要高。否則的話,賣多賠多。而創業初期現金流尤其重要。毛利率重要過銷售,在毛利率高的情況下,銷售得越多越...
評分這幾天在籌劃工廠在下來這個旺季復工的事情,腦袋裏麵一直在摺騰著銷售,成本控製等事情,上豆瓣閱讀翻到瞭這本書電子版,用瞭1天多一點看完,收獲頗多。該書涉及公司運營與實際操作的各個方麵,其中許多建議解決瞭我一直以來的許多疑惑。 【核心準則】 成功創業三準則:一個...
評分看完之後纔發現我已經標記瞭“已讀”,時間是2011年。當時還是大二的學生。時隔9年瞭。 當時的自己肯定是沒體會的,純粹的獵奇,被書名吸引瞭。 全書有一個非常值得關注的點,即毛利比一切都重要。 銷售員,很多小老闆,甚至企業傢,都很關注銷售額,因為這決定瞭自己在做多大...
評分1,成功沒有固定模式,隻有思路,但記住,思路不能確保你事事成功,但至少能大大提高你的勝算。 2,從定義上來說,所謂預測本來就不是精確的。公式僅能幫你對未來的資金需求做齣閤理的預估而已。 3, 自己經營公司和創立一個品牌是兩碼事。 4,做生意是沒什麼捷徑的,...
圖書標籤: 創業 商業 business startup 銷售 方法論 美國 理財
評分simple language, big wisdom.
評分剛剛看瞭making ideas happen, rework, 順手讀這個
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