蘇珊•桑塔格(Susan Santag,1933—2004),美國作傢、評論傢、女權主義者,當代西方最引人注目也是最具爭議性的一位女知識分子,被譽為“美國的公眾良心”、“大西洋兩岸第一批評傢”。
'I intend to do everything . . . I shall anticipate pleasure everywhere and find it too, for it is everywhere! I shall involve myself wholly . . . everything matters!'
So wrote Susan Sontag in May 1949 at the age of sixteen, in the early pages of this selection from her private diaries written in her youth and early adulthood.
Reborn is a kaleidoscopic self-portrait of one of America's greatest writers and intellectuals, teeming with Sontag's voracious curiosity and appetite for life. We watch the young Sontag's complex self-awareness, share in her encounters with the writers who informed her thinking, and engage with the profound challenge of writing itself - all filtered through the inimitable detail of everyday life.
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評分 評分1963年蘇珊·桑塔格的小說處女作《恩主》問世,那一年,她剛好三十歲。與日後作為公共知識分子給人們的強大、彪悍、入世、咄咄逼人的形象不同,如果憑小說來推測其作者,蘇珊·桑塔格應該是一個極端敏感、內省、甚至有些自閉的人。 蘇珊·桑塔格這樣評價自己的小說:“《恩主...
評分圖書標籤: SusanSontag 蘇珊・桑塔格 日記 美國 桑塔格 Susan_Sontag 蘇珊·桑塔格 心智
評分"work=being in the world; loving, being loved=appreciating the world (but not being in it)" (315)
評分"work=being in the world; loving, being loved=appreciating the world (but not being in it)" (315)
評分讀完再想起標題,“重生”是Susan從15歲到30歲,對性嚮、婚姻、愛的試探、摸索與接受,也是對自我不斷的剖析與創造。Susan從在遇到同性戀人H後的 “I am reborn” ,到帶著對自我毀滅的恐懼邁入婚姻,直到最後,“The intellectual ecstasy I have had access to since early childhood. But ecstasy is ecstasy. Intellectual “wanting” like sexual wanting.” 日記不是在記錄自我,而是在創造自我,日常中的行為與語言可能因為種種限製,不能錶達傳遞這個“自我”,而日記中的“自我”在精神和情緒上是獨立的,是坦誠的。是剖開傷口,寫下自白書,再不斷愈閤不斷創造。
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