Evelyn Waugh's most celebrated novel is a memory drama about the intense entanglement of the narrator, Charles Ryder, with a great Anglo-Catholic family. Written during World War II, the novel mourns the passing of the aristocratic world Waugh knew in his youth and vividly recalls the sensuous plea-sures denied him by wartime austerities; in so doing it also provides a profound study of the conflict between the demands of religion and the desires of the flesh. At once romantic, sensuous, comic, and somber, "Brideshead Revisited" transcends Waugh's familiar satiric exploration of his cast of lords and ladies, Catholics and eccentrics, artists and misfits, revealing him to be an elegiac, lyrical novelist of the utmost feeling and lucidity. The edition reprinted here contains Waugh's revisions, made in 1959, and his preface to the revised edition.
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評分I am not I:thou art not he or she they are not they 最開始,這本書吸引我的是藍色無染的封麵上那白白的建築,給我一種似水年華的滄桑感。還有那句令我無限神往的書評:不讀此書,誰解感傷隱忍 此書之後,世間再無貴族。 舊地重遊,開始於一個枯燥乏味的午後,在...
評分接著昨天美和愛的話題,繼續說說關於神恩。 瑪奇梅因侯爵夫人在一次傢庭閱讀時間裏,讀到瞭切斯特頓故事集《布朗神父的智慧》,其中有一個關於魚綫的隱喻,是本書關於神恩的主綫。 故事說,一群釣魚愛好者丟瞭一套名貴的魚餐具,而小偷是一會兒化妝成紳士,一會兒化妝成僕人的...
評分注:這篇譯序與正式刊登在書中的版本略有區彆,增加瞭一些作者的八卦軼事,去掉瞭部分譯者就書本身所做的解讀。 歸來 伊夫林·沃齣瞭名的乖戾難搞,從青年到老年,關於他這個特點的段子數都數不過來。 他牛津時期的導師剋拉特威爾可以算是被他整得最慘的一位。這二位大概八字不...
圖書標籤: EvelynWaugh 英國 英國文學 英文原版 小說 BridesheadRevisited 經典 外國文學
評分Sebastian & Charles.頭上有點忘記瞭.下次精讀一遍.
評分I am not I; thou art not he or she; they are not they. 啦啦啦啦啦!曆時寒暑假!終於讀完瞭! 過幾天摘抄會跟上。 這個版本質量不太好,看到最後,書頁都要掉瞭。
評分Sebastian & Charles.頭上有點忘記瞭.下次精讀一遍.
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