理查德•尼斯貝特(Richard E. Nisbett)
A bold refutation of the belief that genes determine intelligence. Who are smarter, Asians or Westerners? Are there genetic explanations for racial differences in test scores? What makes some nationalities excel in engineering and others in music? Will math and science remain a largely male preserve. From the damning research of The Bell Curve to the more recent controversy surrounding geneticist James Watson's statements, one factor has been consistently left out of the equation: culture. In the tradition of The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould, world-class social psychologist Richard E. Nisbett takes on the idea of intelligence as something that is biologically determined and impervious to culture--with vast implications for the role of education as it relates to social and economic development. Intelligence and How to Get It asserts that intellect is not primarily genetic but is principally determined by societal influences. Nisbett's commanding argument, superb marshaling of evidence, and fearless discussions of the controversial carve out new and exciting terrain in this hotly debated field. .
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this book is required reading for week2 of "intro to sociology" course by Princeton @Coursera. 首先這本書讀起來需要點耐心,與其說是書,還不如說是學術論文。 作者仔細研究瞭市麵有的各種關於智力的說法,從到底IQ智商是否可以正確衡量智力,到近年來人類整體智商的...
評分this book is required reading for week2 of "intro to sociology" course by Princeton @Coursera. 首先這本書讀起來需要點耐心,與其說是書,還不如說是學術論文。 作者仔細研究瞭市麵有的各種關於智力的說法,從到底IQ智商是否可以正確衡量智力,到近年來人類整體智商的...
評分this book is required reading for week2 of "intro to sociology" course by Princeton @Coursera. 首先這本書讀起來需要點耐心,與其說是書,還不如說是學術論文。 作者仔細研究瞭市麵有的各種關於智力的說法,從到底IQ智商是否可以正確衡量智力,到近年來人類整體智商的...
評分努力遠比歸因於基因差異更重要,社會環境的差異雖然短期看不到顯著的智力差異,但隨著數代的差異纍積將産生更大的差距。自我控製、勤奮努力、環境改善、父母教育意識提高等都有利於認知升級[強] 環境也許不能改變一個人的智商,但是可以改變一個人的認知水平 。 這是一本告訴我...
評分我們的智力是天生的還是後天培養的?很多人很長時間以來都認為智力的高低是遺傳基因決定的,從齣生之日起即被注定,不可更改。即使我們為孩子創造再好的環境、送孩子去讀再好的學校,他們的智力也不會提高。是這樣嗎?如果結論真的是這樣,那我們何必去受教育呢。 《思維版圖》...
圖書標籤: 心理學 思維 學術女 psychology 認知 好的習慣 ebook 2012讀書計劃
it's more like an academic paper. but informative nonetheless從中學習的不好說是提升智力的方法,可能是當老師、教孩子的辦法,更深的其實是嚴謹的態度和把科學思維應用於文科。稍嫌枯燥,不過嚴謹第一嘛。不要隨便相信claim
評分it's more like an academic paper. but informative nonetheless從中學習的不好說是提升智力的方法,可能是當老師、教孩子的辦法,更深的其實是嚴謹的態度和把科學思維應用於文科。稍嫌枯燥,不過嚴謹第一嘛。不要隨便相信claim
評分it's more like an academic paper. but informative nonetheless從中學習的不好說是提升智力的方法,可能是當老師、教孩子的辦法,更深的其實是嚴謹的態度和把科學思維應用於文科。稍嫌枯燥,不過嚴謹第一嘛。不要隨便相信claim
評分it's more like an academic paper. but informative nonetheless從中學習的不好說是提升智力的方法,可能是當老師、教孩子的辦法,更深的其實是嚴謹的態度和把科學思維應用於文科。稍嫌枯燥,不過嚴謹第一嘛。不要隨便相信claim
評分it's more like an academic paper. but informative nonetheless從中學習的不好說是提升智力的方法,可能是當老師、教孩子的辦法,更深的其實是嚴謹的態度和把科學思維應用於文科。稍嫌枯燥,不過嚴謹第一嘛。不要隨便相信claim
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