多蘿西·羅斯(Dorothy Ross,1936— ),齣生於美國,1965年獲哥倫比亞大學博士學位。從1990年開始,任約翰·霍普金斯大學曆史學係教授。1993年被選為美國曆史學傢協會成員。著有《斯坦利·霍爾:作為先知的心理學傢》(1972)、《美國社會科學的起源》(1991)等。
Focusing on the disciplines of economics, sociology, political science, and history, this book examines how American social science came to model itself on natural science and liberal politics. Professor Ross argues that American social science receives its distinctive stamp from the ideology of American exceptionalism, the idea that America occupies an exceptional place in history, based on her republican government and wide economic opportunity. Professor Ross shows how each of the social science disciplines, while developing their inherited intellectual traditions, responded to change in historical consciousness, political needs, professional structures, and the conceptions of science available to them. This is a comprehensive book, which looks broadly at American social science in its historical context and to demonstrate the central importance of the national ideology of American exceptionalism to the development of the social sciences and to American social thought generally.
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評分沒有時間逐一校對,主要是讀到中譯覺得可能有問題的地方,迴查英文。 113頁 “美國憲法是一部革命協議的著作,它錶達瞭人民的國傢意誌,而不是國傢批準的閤法行動的産物。” 譯者沒有看懂原文。The American Constitution was the work of a revolutionary convention expressi...
圖書標籤: 思想史 社會科學 劍橋學派 Methodology 社會學 英文 美國學 政治學
評分記錄想看時驚喜發現去年就在課上讀過啦 哇我這兩年真的讀瞭這麼多書麼????
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