Empire of Difference 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 历史社会学 比较政治 帝国 历史 社会学 政治学 政治 奥斯曼帝国
This book is a comparative study of imperial organization and longevity that assesses Ottoman successes as well as failures against those of other empires with similar characteristics. Barkey examines the Ottoman Empire's social organization and mechanisms of rule at key moments of its history, emergence, imperial institutionalization, remodeling, and transition to nation-state, revealing how the empire managed these moments, adapted, and averted crises and what changes made it transform dramatically. The flexible techniques by which the Ottomans maintained their legitimacy, the cooperation of their diverse elites both at the center and in the provinces, as well as their control over economic and human resources were responsible for the longevity of this particular 'negotiated empire'. Her analysis illuminates topics that include imperial governance, imperial institutions, imperial diversity and multiculturalism, the manner in which dissent is handled and/or internalized, and the nature of state society negotiations.
• Views the Ottoman empire in a comparative perspective • Combines social science methodology with a strong sense of historical perspective
• Covers a wide range of topics, including imperial governance, institutions, diversity and multiculturalism, and conflict resolution
作者博士师从斯考切波。历史制度主义、社会网络分析分析运用的典范之作。A comparative study of the flexibility and longevity of imperial systems,explores the key organizational and state society related dynamics of imperial longevity. 差异的帝国:比较历史视野下的奥斯曼。充分挖掘传统帝国长治久安的国家治理艺术,考察奥斯曼帝国在600年内的政权构建与社会抗争(国家自身的不断转型和调试),试图与蒂利等人进行学术对话。为何一个帝国能够持续那么长的时间?帝国的制度变迁、社会网络、国家与社会关系又是以何种方式展现并作用于帝国自身的结构调整呢?
评分是在目前西方帝国史研究的historiography中比较受重视的新视角,强调奥斯曼社会组织网络的包容性和流动性。易读性很高 当做普通读物也挺好看的x
评分不错的书,社会学家在引用二手文献基础之上对奥斯曼帝国历史的再解释,主要分析了帝国如何运用各种手段整合多种力量,形成一种灵活的、有高度适应性的spoke-and-hub权力体系,实现了相对的长治久安,不过作者也指出,让帝国得以整合的力量最终也害了帝国。这书真正的江湖地位来自于后三分之一,作者“转型”的叙事挑战了长期主导奥斯曼帝国史研究的“衰落”叙事,并强调了地方显贵在其中的作用,这对后一代学者(比如Ali Yaycioglu)产生了相当的影响,然而正如楼上友邻吐槽的那样,前三分之二,也就是讲帝国整合各种力量的那部分,并没有讲出什么新东西嘛......并且,这书没有一手材料,基本都是引用二手研究成果,作者说了她只是选取部分成果,但是始终没有说自己是怎么选择的...
评分作者博士师从斯考切波。历史制度主义、社会网络分析分析运用的典范之作。A comparative study of the flexibility and longevity of imperial systems,explores the key organizational and state society related dynamics of imperial longevity. 差异的帝国:比较历史视野下的奥斯曼。充分挖掘传统帝国长治久安的国家治理艺术,考察奥斯曼帝国在600年内的政权构建与社会抗争(国家自身的不断转型和调试),试图与蒂利等人进行学术对话。为何一个帝国能够持续那么长的时间?帝国的制度变迁、社会网络、国家与社会关系又是以何种方式展现并作用于帝国自身的结构调整呢?
Empire of Difference 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书