AA Book: Projects Collection & Portfolio 2009 is presented this year in a thicker, heftier print form than ever before. In its 496 full-colour pages you will find a complete record of the AA’s 2008/09 academic year, including commissioned texts, photo-journalism, reviews, graphics, photographs and, most importantly, projects selected from across the entire School.
它將為您提供瞭解世界頂級建築學院的教學及學生學習情況的機會;使您瞭解為何該校的校友中屢屢湧現諸如雷姆·庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)、紮哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)、理查德·羅傑斯(Richard Rogers)等引領世界的建築大師;並無私的提供您對目前世界上最領先的建築設計方法的瞭解途徑。
享譽世界的《英國建築聯盟學院作品集》也將為您提供瞭解目前世界上最先進的設計方法、設計思想及參數化設計(Parametric Design)、算法建築(Algorithmic Architecture)、數字建構(Digital Tectonic)、建築原型設計(Prototype Design)等先進建築設計理論。
The Architectural Association School of Architecture, more usually known as the AA, is one of the world’s most renowned and influential schools of architecture[1]. It is the most prestigious and selective architecture school in the United Kingdom. Its wide-ranging programme of exhibitions, lectures, symposia and publications have given it a central position in global discussions and developments within contemporary architectural culture. Many of the world's most celebrated and respected figures in architecture and its associated fields 'have been here [the AA] (sooner or later)' as a plaque outside the school entrance proclaims.
It is the oldest independent school of architecture in the United Kingdom and was founded in 1847 by two dissatisfied young architects (Robert Kerr, 24, and Charles Grey, 24), to provide a self-directed, independent education at a time when the profession of architecture had yet to appear in the form we recognise today. The School was formally established in 1890. In 1901, it moved premises to the former Royal Architectural Museum. In 1920, it moved again, to its current premises in Bedford Square, central London (it has since acquired additional London premises in John Street and a 350-acre site at Hooke Park in Dorset). The school has also acquired property on Morwell Street behind Bedford Square, which it uses as studio space and there are plans for further expansion.
Many notable architects have since passed through its doors as its former staff and alumni list shows. The students of the AA have been addressed by many eminent figures, from John Ruskin and George Gilbert Scott, to more recently Daniel Libeskind, Richard Rogers, Zaha Hadid and Rem Koolhaas.
建築聯盟學院(Architectural Association School of Architecture),是英國最老的獨立建築教學院校。常簡稱為AA或AA School of Architecture。有時亦翻做建築協會學院、AA建築學院,英國建築聯盟或英國建築學院。
該校的成立理念最早來自於1847年,兩位不滿學院派建築教育的年輕建築師的發想,分彆是當時19歲的Robert Kerr與24歲的Charles Grey。成立當時目的是為瞭提供有心學建築的學子,一個獨立設計的教育係統,不需他們擁有基礎建築教育。該校當時的師資都是一時之選,諸如約翰·拉斯金與喬治·吉爾伯·史考特(George Gilbert Scott)。
1890年到1901年間,該校的教育係統逐漸成形。在1901年,校址移動到前英國皇傢建築博物館的館址。在1920年,再度遷移到英國貝得福得廣場(Bedford Square),也就是在倫敦的市中心。如今校史已超過150年,校友遍布全球50個國傢。
2000年普利策奬得主:雷姆·庫哈斯 Rem Koolhaas
2004年普利策奬得主:紮哈·哈迪德 Zaha Hadid
2007年普利策奬得主:理查德·羅傑斯 Richard Rogers
丹尼爾·李布斯金 Daniel Libeskind
大衛·奇普菲爾德 David Chipperfield
斯蒂文·霍爾 Steven Holl
本·範·伯剋爾 Ben van Berkel(UN Studio)
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圖書標籤: Architecture 建築 AA_School AA 建築理論 案例 建築設計 建築係
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