'Hello, I'm Esther... I imagine a world where we experience a sense of aliveness and vitality in our relationships, because the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. I've dedicated my life and career to understanding and improving human relationships. Let's continue to learn together.'
Psychotherapist Esther Perel is recognised as one of the most insightful and original voices on modern love. She has changed the conversation on what it means to be in love and have a fulfilling sex life.. For the past ten years, she has worked with hundreds of couples who have grappled with infidelity. Betrayal hurts, she argues, but healing is possible. An affair can even be the doorway to a new marriage - with the same person. With the right approach, couples can learn from these tumultuous experiences, together or apart. Weaving real-life stories with incisive psychological and cultural analysis, Perel invites readers into a truly revealing exploration of modern marriage. She coaches, consults and speaks regularly on erotic intelligence, trauma, sexual honesty and conflict resolution. She is the bestselling author of Mating in Captivity and her TED Talk has reached 6.5 million views online.
A New York City therapist examines the paradoxical relationship between domesticity and sexual desire and explains what it takes to bring lust home.
One of the world’s most respected voices on erotic intelligence, Esther Perel offers a bold, provocative new take on intimacy and sex. Mating in Captivity invites us to explore the paradoxical union of domesticity and sexual desire, and explains what it takes to bring lust home.
Drawing on more than twenty years of experience as a couples therapist, Perel examines the complexities of sustaining desire. Through case studies and lively discussion, Perel demonstrates how more exciting, playful, and even poetic sex is possible in long-term relationships. Wise, witty, and as revelatory as it is straightforward, Mating in Captivity is a sensational book that will transform the way you live and love.
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文/彭小華 發於2019.11.11總第923期《中國新聞周刊》 靜雅的丈夫齣軌瞭,他感到愧疚、抱歉,坦言深陷新的戀情不能自已。 靜雅夫妻是大學同學,感情基礎牢固,關係融洽;兩人比翼齊飛,事業雙雙發展;一個可愛的兒子都上初三瞭,他們與各自的父母和親友相處和諧;她自身形象姣好...
評分版權歸作者所有,任何形式轉載請聯係作者。 作者:瑪雅(來自豆瓣) 來源:https://www.douban.com/note/694550248/ When you love someone, how does it feel? When you desire someone, how is it different? 之前提過在任何關係裏首先要改變的不是對方,而應該是自己的認知...
評分“所以我很好奇,你們的性生活頻率高嗎?”當A提齣這個問題時,我們都笑瞭。那是一場朋友聚會,或許是因為性取嚮為同性的原因,A總是會坦然地問齣這些私密問題,現場並不尷尬,倒是好玩,並有一種學術探討的氛圍。整個晚上,我們一桌人都在探討親密關係、愛與性,氣氛熱烈。 被...
評分在英國《觀察者》看來,《親密陷阱》中佩瑞爾的觀點與大眾的普遍看法截然相反。聽起來甚至是褻瀆神明。然而就在你被他震驚的同時,你也會承認他是正確的。因為他的觀點能讓你産生深深的共鳴,他的直覺和準確相當驚人。 佩瑞爾在親密關係中的觀點的確會給人不少啓發。 微縮版現...
圖書標籤: 心理學 兩性 relationship 英文原版 性心理 心理 love desiration
評分2020年讀完的第一本書,不愧是我女神Esther Perel大作。People long for radiance. They want to feel alive.
評分想看esther perel跟齊澤剋對談(笑)親密關係成為瞭我對抗霸權機器的小小自留地。然而在這個自留地開展自由的實踐,卻更加的考驗自我啊
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