Marshall Rosenberg was an American psychologist and the creator of Nonviolent Communication, a communication process that helps people to exchange the information necessary to resolve conflicts and differences peacefully. He was the founder and Director of Educational Services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication, an international non-profit organization.
In 1961, Rosenberg received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and in 1966 was awarded Diplomate status in clinical psychology from the American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology. He lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where the Center for Nonviolent Communication's office is located.
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An enlightening look at how peaceful communication can create compassionate connections with family, friends, and other acquaintances. The book uses stories, examples, and sample dialogues to provide solutions to communication problems both at home and in the workplace. Guidance is provided on identifying and articulating feelings and needs, expressing anger fully, and exploring the power of empathy in order to speak honestly without creating hostility, break patterns of thinking that lead to anger and depression, and communicate compassionately. These non-violent communication skills are fully explained and can be applied to personal, professional, and political differences. Included in this new edition is information on how to compassionately connect with oneself.
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看完瞭《非暴力溝通》來分享一下體會。 總評:三星半。 這本書前50%分享瞭一些基本的溝通技巧:區分觀察和評論(多觀察,少評論)、體會和錶達感受、請求幫助、學會傾聽。 老生常談,沒什麼新意。 後50%我飛快過完瞭,沒有任何標注和筆記。沒有看到有用的內容。 這本書最大的不...
評分一本在傢裏看完的書。之所以感觸很深,是因為自己是個不會溝通的人。雖然我時常滔滔不絕,但這種傾嚮常常不是為瞭溝通。溝通,應該是基於彼此真實狀態的瞭解。 在個人成長小組中做過好幾次“包容性替身”的遊戲。一方麵,發現純然地去聽,瞭解對方的感受真的很難,時常...
評分以下,請當成一個二維錶格來看 ………………………… 對自己…………………… 對他人……………… ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 步驟一:觀察 區分觀察和評論 ……………… 區分觀察和評論 步驟二:感受 ...
評分有人說,人與人之間的傷害有兩種,身體上的和心理上的。 不知何時起,物質文明社會中的人們,一反遠古時代的常態,在解決問題的方式上,動之以武遠遜於曉之以理。談判、交涉、談論、爭執無效之餘,纔會有對抗、挑戰、決鬥乃至戰爭,例如古之早有的戰場談判,未果後纔是刀刃相嚮...
評分生活不是一場辯論賽,目的不是爭對錯,而是活的更好。 這也是為什麼我一眼被這個低調又有些學術的名字吸引住-在一整排都是“攻心說服力”“一秒鍾搞定..”“看穿人心”這樣字眼的書架裏。在我看來,溝通是愛與關懷的藝術,而不應成為勢利者的詭計。 書如其名。非暴力溝通是從...
圖書標籤: 溝通 心理學 英文原版 個人成長 非暴力溝通 心理 英文 心智
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