Sarah Bakewell was a curator of early printed books at the Wellcome Library before becoming a full-time writer, publishing her highly acclaimed biographies The Smart and The English Dane. She lives in London, where she teaches creative writing at City University and catalogues rare book collections for the National Trust.
How to Live 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
一、为什么要读蒙田 1、自我表达的第一人,开创随笔文体,想到哪儿写到哪儿 2、活中的困惑寻求答案 3、我们最豪迈最光荣的事业乃是生活的写意 4、我们最重要的事情就是要活的舒服 二、蒙田是如何生活的 1、之所以开始写作,很大一个原因是他忽然意识到自己也是会死的-对抗死亡...
评分我们最豪迈,最光荣的事业乃是生活得写意。 这份“写意”,不是活在旁人眼中的,不是写意给别人看的。若非如此,那最豪迈和光荣的事业依然令我们疲累不堪,只不过是换了副样貌,我们依旧在俗世所拥奉的成就中追逐奔劳。 “我们应该拥有妻子、子女、财富,以及最重要的健康。但...
评分蒙田有一句话:“生活本身就是目标,生活本身就是目的。” 或许因为太多人渴望听他讲生活意义,所以他只得给出这样一个放之四海而皆准——也就等于什么也没说——的答案;或许,这正是蒙田对生活的看法。 蒙田的生活态度,接近于佛陀。有一个故事说,有人问佛陀人生的意义是什...
评分作者和译者都很牛x 书不错,开卷有益,适合自己的调调 又想到像我这样轻松的生活 喜欢蒙田是因为他是个俗人,看书也会忘 先有这本书,然后看了莫斯科绅士,绅士在读父亲留下来的蒙田,于是开始读蒙田随笔集。再回过头来读这本书,会有更好的理解 蒙田生活的十六世纪,在书里得...
图书标签: 蒙田 哲学 传记 Non-Fic 随笔 人生 已 waiting
Winner of the 2010 National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography
How to get along with people, how to deal with violence, how to adjust to losing someone you love—such questions arise in most people’s lives. They are all versions of a bigger question: how do you live? How do you do the good or honorable thing, while flourishing and feeling happy?
This question obsessed Renaissance writers, none more than Michel Eyquem de Monatigne, perhaps the first truly modern individual. A nobleman, public official and wine-grower, he wrote free-roaming explorations of his thought and experience, unlike anything written before. He called them “essays,” meaning “attempts” or “tries.” Into them, he put whatever was in his head: his tastes in wine and food, his childhood memories, the way his dog’s ears twitched when it was dreaming, as well as the appalling events of the religious civil wars raging around him. The Essays was an instant bestseller and, over four hundred years later, Montaigne’s honesty and charm still draw people to him. Readers come in search of companionship, wisdom and entertainment—and in search of themselves.
This book, a spirited and singular biography, relates the story of his life by way of the questions he posed and the answers he explored. It traces his bizarre upbringing, youthful career and sexual adventures, his travels, and his friendships with the scholar and poet Étienne de La Boétie and with his adopted “daughter,” Marie de Gournay. And we also meet his readers—who for centuries have found in Montaigne an inexhaustible source of answers to the haunting question, “how to live?”
评分A very delightful read. And it saddens me that a person as charismatic as Montaigne still has to die. Next up: The Essays.
评分A very delightful read. And it saddens me that a person as charismatic as Montaigne still has to die. Next up: The Essays.
How to Live 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书