我社即将推出的罗杰·道森另一本经典著作《绝对成交》(Secrets of Power Negotiating for Salespeople)是被美国职业经理人奉为圭臬的谈判教材。
Secrets of Power Negotiating, 15th Anniversary Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
稍稍用其中阶梯报价谈判法,买房从280万砍到248万。我第一次出价220万,第二次出价225万,第三次226万,第四次226.5万。最后房东崩溃了,直接说248万,一分不少,愿意买就别谈了,买房没有5000块向上加的。基本到我心里价位,成交。 书中其他谈判策略其实对于日常管理以及沟通...
评分 评分1、优势谈判的高手,会让对手感到赢得了谈判,并且不会第二天就醒悟过来。 2、在开始和对手谈判时,要开出高于你期望的条件。原因:获得谈判的空间;或者有可能对方直接接受了这种条件。(这种想法对我影响很大)这是唯一可以让对方在谈判结束时产生胜利感的方式。 3、永远不要...
评分首先感谢译者,95%的还原了原著的内容,大大增强了本书的可读性。 其次感谢作者,把这么有价值的内容传递给读者。回想起自己做生意以及购物的经历,我几乎犯过里面提到的所有错误作法,如果早读此书的话,必然可以省下一大笔银子。以后一定要熟练运用书中所学,无论在职场还是...
评分图书标签: 谈判 罗杰·道森 沟通 价格谈判 销售 negotiating 职业 创业
Secrets of Power Persuasion for Salespeople, now available in paperback as well as hardcover, is a powerful, easy-to-read book that delivers scores of proven, effective methods and techniques you can use immediately to achieve the power and influence over buyers you desire. This book helps you master the art of persuasion, in turn helping your sales and profits grow. Divided into four sections covering essential topics such as: Playing the Persuasion Game: the 8 magic keys that control buyers; the 15 ways to make buyers believe you; how to make people decide quickly with the pressure of time; the 8 verbal persuasion ploys to control the buyer. Analyzing Any Buyer: how to distinguish "matchers" from "mismatchers;" what motivates buyers; and how they decide what they want. Becoming a Power Persuader: how to develop charisma and the 12 ways to project charisma to everyone you meet; the secrets to remembering names and faces; easy ways to use humor as a way to persuade buyers. Mastering Persuasion Techniques: the 8 ways to persuade an angry buyer; how to build credibility; the 8 reasons why buyers sometimes won't open up.
评分A really practical book with tons of examples and good sense of humor. Don't try to read it in a hurry as it could get boring. Section 1 and 4 are my favorite sections. A positive surprise that this book mentioned cultures, although less scientific, which is somewhat aligned with "The Culture Map".
评分这个比getting to yes好
评分这个比getting to yes好
Secrets of Power Negotiating, 15th Anniversary Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书